Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Waking up in the arms of Harry Styles..

I woke up, looking at the clock at my bedside, 7:30 AM. I sighed, I have to go to work today even though I'm dreading it. I noticed an arm wrapping around my waist, I then remember Harry Styles is in my bed since the couch was uncomfortable. I turned to see him still asleep, so I wiggled out of his arms and walked to my closet. I grabbed a pair of pink short shorts, a gray hollister shirt, and gladiator sandles with silver straps. I entered my bathroom and put on my outfit that I picked, I pulled my hair out of the bun I had it in and brushed it out letting my curly ringlets hit my back. I put on some mascara, silver eye shadow, and pink baby lips on my lips. I opened the bathroom door to see Harry still asleep, I rolled my eyes at how much he can sleep.

I walked out of my bedroom, and skipped to the kitchen. I turned on the stove and started to make myself some bacon and eggs. I heard running footsteps behind me, "I smell food!" a hungry Niall said. I chuckled and handed him a plate that was already done. He snatched it and ran to the table, "Thanks Em." I smiled and nodded. After making all the food I set the other 4 plates for the guys, I grabbed my plate and sat on the seat next to Niall who already ate everything off his plate, "Niall, your such a piggy." I giggled. A tired Louis, Zayn, and Liam walked into the kitched and grabbed their plates of breakfast, "Morning, sleepy heads." I said before putting eggs in my mouth. They smiled and sat down at the table with Niall and I, "So where did you and Harry disappear to last night?" Zayn asked with a smirk. I dropped my fork onto my plate when he asked the question, "Oh..nothing happened before you think that.. we were uncomfortable on the couch so we went to my room..nothing else happened." I could feel my cheeks getting hot, so I put my hands on them before they could see me blush. Louis kept his eyes on his plate while playing with his food, when is he so quiet? I shrugged it off and fininshed my breakfast. I threw my plate into the dishwasher, "Guys, I have to go to work, you can stay here if you want but if anything is broken..I swear I will cut all of you." They nodded in fear. I laughed and grabbed my purse and walked out of my apartment.

It was a normal boring day at work, nothing new, just folding, greeting, and cash register work. Just 1 more hour to go and I can go. Just 1 more hours ahh! I went to refold the girl's shorts because they were looking awfully messy. A girl with brunette hair poked me, "Are Emily? The one who my boyfriend Louis talks to now?" I nodded, "Yep, that's me.. I'm Emily." I stuck out my hand and she happily shook it, "I'm Eleanor, I'm a Hollister floor model England." I continued to fold, "That's awesome, I really want to be a Victoria's Secret Model but that'll never happen. Oh.. well. So your Louis's girlfriend?" She nodded, "Yep, we have been dating for 2 years! Hey what's your number? You seem really cool and I think we could be great friends." I told her my number, "It's nice meeting you, Eleanor." I smiled. My boss came stomping up to me, "Emily! How many times do I have to tell you to stop socializing with the customers! Last warning!" She stomped off, "I can't, but all you do is socialize your ass of while we work our asses off." I mumbled. Eleanor laughed, "Well, I better go, I don't want to get you fired." She winked and skipped off.

After work, I got to my apartment, afraid to see what mess the guys have left me. I opened the door to see Louis and Niall wrestling, Zayn messing with his hair, Harry watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and Liam telling Louis and Niall to knock it off. I shut the door behind and plopped onto the couch next to Harry, "I hate work, my boss is such an ass..oh by the way Louis.. I met your girlfriend Eleanor, she's sweet. I got her number." I smiled poked Harry's cheek, "Stop it! my cheeks are off limits." Harry mumbled. Louis got up from the floor, "ooh, Eleanor is very sweet.." I nodded in agreement and began to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

After watching 3 episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Louis got up and looked at his butt, "Do I have a Kim Kardashian butt?" We died laughing, "What the hell, Louis? To have a Kim Kardashian, you have to get those butt injections." We all started to die from laughing again, "Well, I'll be back later. I'm going to get those injections." Louis started to walk shaking his butt, "Oh my god, don't do that Louis. You shaking your butt shows a reason why people think your gay.." He gasped and held his heart, "Do you think I am gay..?" I shook my head, "Dude, you have a girlfriend, that pretty much proves it." I smiled and put my eyes back onto the TV.

My stomach started to growl, "Anyone want to order pizza?" Niall jumped up and ran to the phone, "I guess that answers my question." Harry chuckled at my comment. I smiled at him and started to flips through channels trying to find a show to watch. Louis smirked and pulled out a horror movie, "Let's watch this!" I shook my head, "No, no, no, I hate horror stuff, I can't ever do it. I leave half way through the movie and have nightmares. So nooo!" Louis frowned, "Please? oh please oh please." I sighed, "Fine, but it's your fault if I have a heart attack." Louis cheered and put the movie in. Harry nudged me, "I'll keep you safe."

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