character description

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Timothy Ambrose
Species: Grey husky
Gender: male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 140lb.
Goes by "Tim" instead of Timothy. He is a very quiet kid with a passion for music. He wishes to be a musician one day. He's very gullible and gets easily scared and paranoid when things go wrong. He is the middle brother of Rocky and Jordan Ambrose.

Rocky Ambrose
Species: Grey husky
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6
Weight: 235lb.
Rocky is the older brother of Timothy and Jordan Ambrose. He has legal custody of his brothers since his parents died. (Both committed suicide)
He is a very uptight and choleric person. He is currently in the U.S army reserve and works construction and steel.

Jordan Ambrose
Age: 7
Species: Grey husky
Gender: Male
Height: 5'1
Weight: 65lb
Jordan is the youngest out of the 3 brothers. He is a very playful little boy who is always happy and energetic. He suffers from ADHD and takes medication for it (school days only)
He has trouble listening and following directions. Has an awful attention span.

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