Chapter 2

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Me and Alice took the corner of where Ms. Burbine told us all to be, so if the attacker came in, there were bodies in front of us so we could shove them into the way and run. No way were we dying in school.

We all stayed silent and sat still for at least a good 10 minutes. Wow, this was the longest drill we've ever had.

Suddenly, the intercom came back on. And this time, it wasn't a calm warning.

"Teachers and staff. Please remain calm and keep your doors locked until further notice. Keep your students safe and do not, I repeat, do not let them out of the classroom. Stay quiet and---" Just then a terrible scream came through from intercom. I bet we could hear it even without the announcement. The scream continued, followed by banging around and some wet and heavy moaning. The screams soon were replaced with a gurgling sound, and then silence. For a minute, everyone was silent. What the heck was that? This was a drill, not the real thing! They would have said so if it was. But after hearing what had just happened, we were all terrified into silence.

But, of course, the silence didn't last long.

Everyone in my math class started screaming, besides me. I don't scream. I silently panic.

Millions of questions started going around, and some even tried to get out, but they were too panicked to actually unlock the door. They soon came back to sit with the rest of us, yelling and crying and asking for their mothers. It was insane and more then a little bit annoying. Your all 16 and 17, grow up.

Then there was a bang on the door. Like someone was throwing themselves up against the door. Ms. Burbine, against the rules, went over to the door and looked through the the side of the doors window shade to see who it was. She let out a sigh.

"It's just Mr. Long." Mr. Long, the science teacher. He was three halls down. Why was he out of his classroom when he was told to stay in his room and protect his students?

Ms. Burbine opened the door, and let Mr. Long in, asking what in the world he was doing. But Mr. Long didn't answer her. Instead he threw himself at her.

And took a bite out of her neck.

This time, the reaction was immediate. Everyone started screaming at the sight of the junior science teacher burying his teeth into the math teachers throat and ripping pieces off, chewing the bloody chunks of flesh and Ms. Burbine bleeding to death and contracting violently and screaming.

It was only a few moments before everyone was on their feet and running.

In some cases, fear will freeze you to the spot. But sometimes, fear makes you run. We didn't have time to freeze. We didn't want to end up like the petite french woman, screaming and being eaten alive. We ran out the door, and down the hall, some of us running into fellow students and teachers, and being brought down to be devoured. When I reached the front doors, only Alice and four other kids from a twenty-two student class made it out. The rest were filling our ears with agonizing screams. People we've known for years. People we grew up with.

Even after we reached the doors, we didn't slow down. We pushed those doors open and kept running. There were few people around the school, but we didn't take the time to ask if they knew what was going on, or if they were going to eat us. Me and Alice ran side by side. She looked at me, and I nodded. She was silently pleading me with her eyes that we go to her house first. I knew it was a good idea, considering her house was only 4 blocks away. Plus, when I needed to get away from my mother, her mother would offer her house as sanctuary. Her mother was my second mother, and I had to make sure she was okay first.

So we ran, soon losing the other four of our classmates. Me and Alice took track in middle school and freshman year so we easily outran the others. I felt bad for half a second before I had to focus on dodging more people on the street. We were close to Alice's house, about 3 house's away, when someone on the ground whom I had presumed dead from the way he just lied there, grabbed my leg as I was jumping over him and bit down. I screamed for the first time that day, my leg burning from this persons teeth. Alice heard me and back tracked, coming to my aid. She kicked the guys face until he let go, and then she wrapped her arm around me, and together, we limped the last few houses to her house, thankfully getting there with no more incidents.

Alice helped me up the stairs, and then sat me down on the couch, yelling at me to stay down while she got her mom. But her voice...I could barely hear it. It was faded, and my ears were ringing. When she ran into her moms room, in what seemed like slow motion, I got up to close the windows, and then to lock the door. Once I had done that, I struggled over to her mothers room, only to stop by the door frame. There was Alice. Laying on the floor, with her mother leaning over her. It would've looked kinda sweet, a mother leaning over her fallen daughter, if Alice's throat hadn't been ripped out. Her throat was all bloody, and wet gurgling sounds came from her as she struggled to scream. Her stomach had been ripped open, and her mother was chewing on her own daughters stomach and small intestines. My throat suddenly felt raw. Was I screaming? Tears filled my eyes, and I ran to my best friends mothers dresser to grab her gun. I couldn't watch this. And from what I'd seen from Mr. Long and my fellow classmates, she wouldn't stop until she had devoured her daughter completely. I took aim, but the tears got in the way. I slipped and a bullet when straight into Alice's head, killing her, and ending her further agony. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and emptied the clip into my second mother, the last bullet meeting her head, and finally she stopped moving, stopped chewing. I dropped the gun, turned my back and puked. And I puked and I puked, and when I thought I couldn't anymore, I puked some more. Soon, I was just too exhausted to even dry puke, so I fell to my knees and cried. I cried and cried and cried, until my tear ducts were completely dried up. I got up from the floor, went into the room with 2 of the most beloved people in my life, closed the door, and fell onto the bed, closing my eyes, and fell asleep, hoping when I woke, it would all be better. Alice would be alive, people weren't eat people, and hoping I was just having an intense day dream...

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