Chapter 10

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I woke up feeling stiff. I groaned, rolling over, hating my life. This world was going to be the death of me.


"Come on, sis, time to get up." I heard Salem call from outside the tent I was residing in. I sighed, getting up slowly.

"Can't a girl get any sleep around here." I hissed, forcing my body to stand up, slipping on my boots.

"Not here." Salem laughed. I heard him walk away, and I sighed. I sat back down, pulling my boots back off. I pulled up my yoga pants, looking at my infected ankle. It was healing over nicely, thank god. At least it wasn't infected.

"You shouldn't keep that out in the light." I jumped as Anne walked in. She scoffed, crawling over to look at it. "It's amazing how a complete dork would be the one to hold the cure."

"Excuse me?" I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Riiight, forgot you never read zombie books. Well, in zombie books, the one who is bitten, and ends up being immune, is the one who holds the cure." I rolled my eyes, mimicking her scoff.

"If a cure is even possible." I said, rolling down my pant leg.

"It has to be. We have to have hope, Raven." She said, her smile tight and forced. "We'll have to show your brother pretty soon here."

"I'd rather not. He might kill me."

"He would do anything for you, Raven." She said, smiling, this time not so forced. "It's what brothers do." I nodded stiffly, feeling sick. Maybe at one point, yeah, but I felt, in my bones, that if I showed him the imperfection on my ankle, he wouldn't hesitate to keep his people safe."Come on, there's some people that have been waiting for you to wake up." I gave Anne a questioning glance, but she was already leaving the tent, motioning for me to follow her. I sighed, getting up and sliding my boots back on before following the living twin.

Once outside, I had to shield my eyes from the sun, groaning. I should have been born a vampire. The light was not something I enjoyed. And I knew the sun, if living, would hate me too for not basking in its 'loving glow.' I looked around, trying to see through the hateful rays of the sun.

"You know, she should've been born a werewolf." Said a voice, that sounded all too familiar. "She hates the sun." I brought my hand down to see who was talking.

"Jay, you moron, werewolves love the sun. It's vampire's that are nocturnal." I saw Anne, on the arm of Jay, my brothers best friend. She was smiling at him, her face full of joy. Something I had never seen before.

"What would I do without you?" Jay said, leaning down to rub her noes with his own. My eyes widened, taking a step back.

"You're with Jay?" I said, the words catching in my throat. Anne looked at me, apologetic.

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you, but, you know. You would have told Alice."

"Uh, yeah! You were dating the one boy she had her eyes on for, oh, I don't know, ever!"

"Hey, Rave, calm down." Jay said, holding his hands out to me. "I thought you'd be happy to see me."

"Happy to see you? Neither of you had the audacity to even tell Alice that you were dating! What would you do if she could see this right now?"

"I'd tell her to fuck off." Anne said, growling. "It's none of her business who I date."

"It should have been. Because she loved him, and you've been dating him. Behind her back while she cried over why he would never give her the time of day. And now, Anne. Now she's dead."

"Yeah, well, maybe if you had been taking care of her." I took another step back, feeling as if Anne had just physically slapped me across that face.

"Anne!" Jay cried, turning on her.

"No, it's true Jay. She let Anne die. She let my sister, my twin, my other half, leave her side. She let my other tear into her porcelain throat and tear her apart, then proceeded to shoot them both in the face."

"She would have turned!"

"Or she could have been immune, but we'll never know, because you killed her!"

"Because I wanted my best friend to die!"

"Who know what you were thinking. But all I know is that we may be 'friends,' but I will never let you live down the fact that my sister died because of YOU!"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, launching myself at Anne, surprising myself and her. I punched her across the face, my fury taking over my surprise. She took a step back, grabbing her face.

"You bitch, you punched me!" She cried, turning on me, but I already had her hair in my fist. I whipped her around, practically throwing her away from me. I straddled her waist, and began mercifully punching her face, harder ever time.

"Raven, what are you doing?!" I heard familiar voices behind me, but I didn't stop. I kept punching her, drinking in her screams. My heart was pounding in my ears, and my vision was tinted black around the edges. I was pissed off, and I was going to beat Anne until she could get it through her thick skull that-

"I DIDN'T KILL HER!" I screamed, shaking. I felt someone pulling me back, and I fought them, using my nails and teeth to get them off me.

"Raven, stop it!" I heard, but I didn't I kept fighting. My brother grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him while the other people restrained me. "Raven, what are you doing?! I will not tolerate this from you, my own sister."

"I will make her fucking pay." I hissed. Salem glared and slapped my across the face.

"You will not talk to me like that, Raven Blair. I am the leader of this group, and I will not be talked to like that." I winced from the pain in my cheek. I shook my head, looking up at him, tears in my eyes.

"Well, maybe I should just fucking leave then."

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