Hanzo 1

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The older of the two young men stared at you as if wondering whether or not you were going to take his hand. You quickly took it, and after helping you up, he immediately pulled his hand away.

"Thank you.." You spoke quietly, bowing politely. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, then walked away. You quickly picked up your bag and limped inside, as the man's younger brother walked up to him and began teasing him for a reason you didn't know. 

Once you checked in at the desk, you headed up to your room, and left your luggage on one of the two beds, then headed back down to the lobby. You were met by the younger of the two brothers, who appeared to be somewhat of a playboy. 

"Hey there. I'm Genji. What's your name?"

"Um, I'm (y/n).." You muttered quietly as you headed towards the door. You noticed Genji's older brother was leaning against one of the posts near the enterance. He was watching you carefully, but looked away quickly when you made eye contact.

"Nice to meet you, (y/n)! That's my older brother, Hanzo." Genji said, motioning to his brother, who began to follow the two of you outside. You were feeling a bit uncomfortable around Genji, and you flagged down a taxi as quickly as possible. You climbed into the back seat, but before you could close the door, Genji poked his head into the cab.

"You should hang out with my brother and me sometime. It would be fun."

"Genji! We don't have time for this, we have an errand to run for our Father, remember?"

Hanzo's irritated voice cut through the silence as he grabbed the scruff of Genji's shirt and pulled him back from the car. Hanzo then shut the door with his free hand, and practically dragged Genji away as the taxi driver began driving.

"Where to, Miss?"

"Huh? Oh, um.. Hitoshiri Noodle House, please." You replied, watching as Genji and Hanzo walked down the street. You then turned your attention to the trees, which were blooming perfectly. The petals fell gently onto the sidewalk, and you thought it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. 

"We're here, Miss."

"Thank you." You payed the man and climbed out, limping into the restaurant and looking around. You found your friend sitting at a table with a strange man in black beside her. You limped over and she looked up from a notebook.

"(y/n)! What happened to you!?" She exclaimed in horror. But since she was on the inside of the booth, she was unable to stand up.

"Eh. Someone knocked me over at the hotel, and I sprained my ankle a bit. Someone else helped me up, but since I apparently have to limp now, everything went by a bit slower. Sorry I'm late." You replied, sitting down across from them.

"It's fine, as long as you're alright!"

"I'm fine. May I ask who this is?" You asked curiously, motioning to the man beside her.

"Oh! I'm sorry. This is what I wanted to tell you! I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Katsu." She replied, beaming with happiness.

"Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n) as you heard earlier." You said, and the man smiled an almost charming smile as you exchanged polite bows of the head.

"The pleasure is mine." 

A waitress walked up and handed you a menu, then put a cup of water in front of you.

"Anything else to drink, Miss?"

"No, thank you." You smiled and she nodded, then walked away. You then turned your attention to the menu, and began trying to figure out what you would order. You heard the door slide open, and an all too-familiar voice seconds later.

"Come on, I'm not going to take that long to eat. Father's errand can wait for just a bit longer."

'Oh, no... Not him..' You thought, almost smashing your face into the table in despair. Unfortunately, Genji had already seen you, and was walking over, a now very annoyed Hanzo following behind.

"Hey there, (y/n)! Didn't know we would meet you here again!" Genji spoke cheerfully, and Katsu immediately stood and bowed.

"Master Hanzo, Master Genji, I didn't realize you two would be dining here today." His calm tone of voice had a hint of a huge amount of respect in it, as he bowed politely. You noticed your friend slide out of the bench to stand beside her boyfriend. She then somewhat glared at the boys, and put her hands into fists, looking like she was about to start a fight.

"Are these the people who knocked you down, (y/n)? Cause if they are, I'll make them sorry they crossed your path."

You groaned at the thought of your friend attacking the ones who helped you out. She tended to be a bit over protective.

"No, no. They were the ones who helped me, don't worry about it." You muttered somewhat quietly. You just wanted them to leave.

"Oh, okay. Who are they, anyway?" She asked, sitting back down. However, Katsu remained standing.

"They are the sons of my boss. This is Genji, and that's Hanzo." He replied, motioning to each one.

"You can sit down, Katsu. You don't need formalities here." Genji said, smiling. He then added:

"Hey, did you hear about the meteor shower that's supposed to happen?"

"Yes. I was going to go watch with Katsu." Your friend replied, completely comfortable around them. You noticed Hanzo talking quietly to a waitress, who walked into the kitchen when he was done speaking. 

"How about Hanzo, (y/n), and I join you? I could bring someone and it could be a bit of a triple date if you would." Genji suggested, which caused you to litterally hit your head on the table, quite hard too.

"Sure! If Katsu agrees, that is."

"Alright. I think it would be fun."

"Then we'll meet at your friend's hotel?"


Suddenly, before Genji could say another word, Hanzo took him by the collar and dragged him away, again.

"H-Hanzo! Where are we going!?"

"You're making (y/n) uneasy, Genji. Besides, we have an errand to run, and we need to finish it before sunset."

"But, what about my food!?"

"You can eat on the way." 

You watched as Hanzo payed the waitress and took a cardboard like container, which he handed to Genji once he had dragged him out the door.

After eating, your friend said goodbye to Katsu, and you both headed back to the hotel, where she helped you unpack. You then sat on your bed and drew a Sakura tree in full bloom with some petals falling, while she sat on the second bed and watched TV. In the back of your mind, which was throbbing painfully from hitting it on the table, you wondered how the meteor shower watching would go..

Overwatch-Reader, Young Genji, and Young Hanzo (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now