Letter I

15 1 1

Dear Ryson,

Um, where do I begin. I like you a lot, I like your beautiful blonde waves that looks white in the sunshine. I like your chocolate brown eyes that make my stomach all warm when they land on me. It's like I love you. I know everything about you, I know that you don't like peanut butter. I know that when you don't like something your nose scrunches up cutely like you just ate something sour. I know that when your stressed that you smoke at least two cigarettes to your normal one. You like to keep that hidden though, that's why you go up to the school roof during break and lunch. And after that I know for a fact I love you. There I said I love you.
This was basically a way to vent but I think I'm actually going to send this you know? I mean it's not like your going to know who I am, you've never noticed me before, so to the girl I love oh so much I've revealed my feelings.

I love you,
- Nobody

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