Letter III

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My darling Ryson,
         You actually read my letters? That's kind of shocking. I'm sorry dear but I'm not a liberty to say who I am just yet. So now that I know you've read my letters let me give you some insight: I understand that your utterly confused, pretty vexed too right? Well you've met me before. It's kind of weird to go back on these thoughts because I left them behind awhile ago, in fact I'm almost in tears just thinking about how things ended it's hard to talk about. But on with what I'm here for I'll describe myself just a little,

- I'm an insomniac I don't sleep well and that's because I used to have a sleeping pill addiction. (To me they were like your cigarettes.)

That's all your going to get, I'm sorry but maybe that'll jog your memory just a little bit. Because you helped me with this problem but this is also why you left in the first place. Bad memories.  

-your extremely sad and habitual sleepless nobody

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