Chapter 1: Girls & Encantos

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LUCY - 9/26/16

I woke up that day to the smell of coffee and burned pancakes.

Like she did every Monday, Meredith was trying to cook me breakfast. I helped her study for biology every weekend and she always swore she would repay me somehow.

After checking my phone, I got out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. It was too cold in New York like always and I was not used to it. My father had told me it was a matter of time but a year later I still missed Colombia.


I walked out of my room and towards the kitchen. Sure enough, Meredith was smiling awkwardly at me, holding out a plate of burned food.

"I'm sorry, I really tried this time." She frowned at herself. "I guess I just gotta stick to nursing and not the kitchen."

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the plate from her. "It's alright. Burned food is better than no food."

I ate all the food she had made, knowing she was stealing glances at me while she ate as well. We had lived together for four months and I already knew her life schedule.

She hated having long hair and got a haircut every month. She did her laundry every weekend and only took showers at night.

And she didn't like boys.

I knew her life better than I knew mine.

"I've got class in 20 minutes, so I guess I'll see you later?" Meredith asked. She was making sure to look at her hands and not at me.

"I guess so, unless I get arrested or killed." I laughed softly.

Meredith quickly nodded her head and slipped out her seat. I watched her as she cleaned her dishes, her legs shaking while she stood there.

Once she had grabbed her bag and left, I quickly got ready as well to head to Spanish. My professor was not the best but I could deal with her. Other than never being available out of class, she wouldn't update grades online. I would have choked her by now but she was the one who got me an internship.

"Buenos días Lucía."

I just smiled at her and walked straight to my seat in the back of the class.

As much as I liked Spanish class, I hated sitting in the front because the feeling of having everyone staring at the back of my head was not appealing.

Like always, Professor Mendez handed out a short story with Shakespearean-like Spanish writing. She instructed us to read it and write three paragraphs explaining what was happening in the story.

I started reading my copy of the story and tried to focus on it. However, my mind kept thinking about Meredith and Jonathan.

Jonathan was my biology lab partner and he loved to play jokes on me during class. They were usually harmless and had me constantly staring at his smile.

While in the middle of comparing Jonathan and Meredith's smiles, the classroom door slammed open. Professor Mendez looked up for her paperwork and frowned at the girl walking towards her.

"Lauren. I'm your new student." Lauren smirked at her.

Professor Mendez just glared at her. "No hablamos inglés en este salón." Everyone snickered.

"Does it look like I care?" Lauren rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the rest of us. "Hmm... you. Thanks for the warm seat."

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