Chapter 9: Wild

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LUCY - 11/16/16

I can feel every single part of my body sweating and screaming at me to stop.

"Hoy puedo ver porque no te gusta jugar este juego." Lauren giggles as she snatches the microphone away from me.

I drop down next to Veronica and she passes me a water bottle.

It's 6 in the afternoon and we're taking turns lip syncing our favorite songs.

In Spanish earlier today, Lauren couldn't stop texting Veronica. I kept asking her what was going on but she just brushed me off time after time again.

Nearly 6 minutes before class was over, Lauren asked me if I had any plans this afternoon. She kept looking at her hands, fiddling with the pen she was holding. I told her that if she wanted to hang out, I was definitely down. But to my surprise, she said she wanted to hang out with me and her best friend. She started to explain that something happened yesterday, wouldn't tell me what, and that she needed to spend time with us.

Even though I was a bit nervous to meet Veronica, I immediately accepted. I couldn't say no to her ocean green puppy eyes and frowning lips.

"Who knew you could rock out to Shakira and be off key the entire time?" Veronica snickers.

I roll my eyes and take a long sip of water before replying. "Lo dices como si yo fuera la única que estuvo off key durante toda la maldita canción."

Our girls night started nearly an hour ago and I was already comfortable with Veronica.

I usually only speak Spanish with family and close friends, which is what I already considered her and Lauren to be.

"Hey, calm down guys." Lauren smiles at both of us, staring at me a bit longer than usual. "It wasn't my idea to actually sing during a lip syncing game."

"Well, get on with it." Veronica groans. "Pick a song and end our misery."

Lauren throws a small piece of popcorn at her. "Wild is a duet."

Veronica's eyes open wide at the realization and smirks. "Lucy will take one for the team."

I should throw the entire popcorn bowl at her.

"You can't volunteer me as tribute!"

"Please Lucy?" Lauren dares to use her puppy eyes on me again and I give up almost instantly.

"Solamente porque me gusta la música de Alessia."

I hesitantly get up and walk towards Lauren. The sound of Veronica's soft laughter fills the living room but all I can really pay attention to is the way Lauren begins to caress the microphone. I take a moment to really look at her and feel my stomach flip at how her body fills the black dress she's wearing. She suddenly turns towards me and I lose my breath.

"Trying hard not to fall, on the way home. You were trying to wear me down, down."

This must be what heaven sounds like.

"Kissing up on fences and up on walls, on the way home. I guess it's all working out, now."

Veronica has stopped laughing and she's sitting on the couch in awe as Lauren sings.

"'Cause there's too long to the weekend, too long till I drown in your hands, too long since I've been a fool."

Lauren's eyes close as she reaches the chorus and her melodious voice fills my lungs and my entire being.

"Leave this blue neighborhood, never knew loving could hurt this good, oh, and it drives me wild. Cause when you look like that, I've never ever wanted to be so bad, oh, and it drives me wild."

She lets the chorus carry itself to my verse. I forget I go next until Lauren's hips have stopped swaying and she's waiting for me to go, a glint in her eyes I have never seen before.

My voice doesn't do Alessia justice but I continue singing regardless.

I lose myself in the lyrics and Lauren's smile is so big I suddenly can't feel my heart beating anymore. She starts singing with me, walking closer and closer to me.

The smell of her raspberry perfume is all I know. My eyes are closed and I know her face is mere inches away from mine, serenading my heart away.

The song ends and right when I'm about to open my eyes, she kisses me.

At first, it's just her lips sitting on mine. I can't feel anything except her and it scares me. My hand shoots up, grabbing ahold of her forearm, looking for support. Not even a second has passed when she pulls my face closer and I can't help but melt into her.

The feel of her hands in my hair, the way her tongue knows what my mouth likes, her body pressed into mine, it all suffocates me and I squeeze her arms tighter.


My eyes burst open and I turn to see Veronica laughing excitedly by herself.

I shove Lauren off of me. "I'm sorry, I can't."

Without giving Lauren or Veronica a second glance, I grab my purse and run to my own apartment. I lock the door and slide down onto the floor.

I know I love Lauren.

I know it because I feel every single inch of my body screaming at me to go back.

But I can't.

I can't because everyone that knows me thinks I like boys. And I can't bring myself to tell them otherwise until I'm ready.


- surprise!!!!!!! Finally laucy kisses!!!!!
- I hope you're all enjoying my fanfic, I had such a different plot planned for it when I began writing but now that I think about it, it was really ugly lol

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