Chapter 20- Deception

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Zendaya's POV:

"Babe it's simple, just give me a second chance" were the words that echoed my ears as I saw Jacob tighten his grip on Jonathan.

Things began to blur as the sound of Jacob's voice turned into a buzz. I couldn't think straight, but I knew one thing's for sure. I cannot give up Jonathan, I love him too much. So I do the one thing I could do.

I grabbed a vase off the table and chucked it at Jacob's head. He instantly let go of Jonathan but couldn't move away on time so the vase hit his head.

He fell down hard and I saw blood splattered all over the floor. Tears flooded my eyes as I thought of the possibility of me killing Jacob. I soon felt the warmth of Jonathan's hands around me as he guided me over to the sofa and grabbed the phone to call someone up here for help.

After he hung up he sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay" he kept whispering to me over and over again, but I didn't listen to him. I may have killed a man, no matter how much I hate him, it's not okay.

It didn't take long before the police and hotel staff came up to our room and started asking us questions.

One officer came over to me and sat me down. I believe his name was Officer Darren. He seemed pretty nice.

"Ms Carter I'd like to ask you a few questions" the officer spoke as I just nodded my head.

He mainly asked my questions about Jacob and I's past, if I had any clue as to why he was here, and what happened in my perspective.

It took about an hour for them all to leave but once they did I felt more than glad. I walked out onto the balcony to get some air, but was soon joined by Jonathan.

"Hey" he said as he stood next to me and leaned over the railing. "Hey, how are you holding up?" I ask as I turn to face him and smile. "I'm alright, but it's you I'm worried about" Jon said as he took my hand in his. I gave him a half smile as I looked away. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm not the one he threatened to kill" I joked which got a chuckle out of him.

"Why didn't you just agree to give him a second chance?" Jonathan asked me right out of the blue. I turned and faced him so I could look him in the eye. "Because I've lost you enough times, and I'm not making that mistake again. No matter what the cost." I told him as he lips soon came crashing down on mine. "I love you Jonathan" I whispered as I kissed him back. "I love you too" he said as we pulled away.

"C'mon lets get some sleep, we've been through enough tonight" Jon said as he took my hand and lead me back inside. I was too tired to argue with him so I just followed him into the bedroom. I stripped down to my tank top and changed into a pair of shorts and got in bed. As Jonathan just stayed in his boxers and climbed in next to me.

He wrapped me into his warm arms as he kissed my forehead. "Night babe" he whispered as a smile appeared on my face. "Good night" I said before I closed my eyes as sleep overcame me.

Jacob's POV:

I woke up to the sound off beeps and a bunch of police officers surrounding my bed.

"He's awake" one of them says. "Call the doctor" I heard another voice say. I looked around the room to see I was in the hospital.

The last thing I remember was Zendaya throwing a vase at me before I blacked out.

There was an officer standing next to me, I studied her up and down. She looked as if she were 5'8, short curly blonde hair and brown eyes. She had a cup of Starbucks in her hand and a notebook in the other.

My eyesight was still coming back to me but I could still read a little of what she had written down. It said:



-breaking and entering"

Once she turned around I read her name tag which said Becky. I smiled when she looked at me but she just looked away. She was the only officer in the room with me so I felt it was safe to talk.

"Officer Becky" I said softly so only her ears could hear, which caused her to turn around. She didn't say anything but she stared at me and nodded her head waiting for me to continue speaking. "I was wondering if you could get me something to eat and maybe something to drink as well?" I asked her. She stood there for a moment staring at me.

Finally she walked over to me and stared me right in the eye. "I'll be back in 5 minutes, don't do something stupid" she warned me as I noticed she placed her notebook down on my bedside table. I just smiled and nodded my head.

Once I figured she was out of hearing and seeing range before I reached over for the notebook.

I ripped out the page Officer Becky had written down and instead wrote:




as I put the note book down and found another item on the table. Officer Becky's cellphone.

I searched through the contacts and found the numbers to some very high powered people and wrote them down on the ripped piece of paper. I hid the paper inside my pocket as I layed down quietly waiting for the other officers to come back. I had everything I needed.

I heard the door opening and footsteps coming closer to me, but they didn't belong to just one person, I could tell there were about 3 others. I opened my eyes to see officer Becky was one of the 3 along with another female and male. The other female's name was Angela, she looked like a nurse. The other male was an officer, the name on his name tag read Brett.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "Officer Becky, do you have my food?" I asked as I acted like as if I was really struggling to sit up. "Yes, I got you a sandwich and a cup of coffee" she said as she handed me my food and I began to eat it. After that she walked off to the nurse and detective and I over heard them talking.

"He's good to go if the final test results are a positive" Angela said quietly as she looked over at me. I turned away and continued eating so she wouldn't suspect I was listening. "Let me see your notes Becky" Brett ordered. Becky turned around and walked over to me, picked up the notebook and handed it over to him.

"By the looks of it he can go, but he needs to stay in the city for the trial" Brett said which surprised officer Becky, I'd have to say I got a little chuckle out of it. "Let him go tomorrow morning if the results are a positive. I'm keeping these notes until the trial" was all Brett said before he left the room.

Soon Angela left and it was just Becky and I in the room. She walked over to me and sat down and just stared at me. "What kind of game are you at boy?" she muttered as she got up and headed for the door. "A kind you won't be able to win. Goodnight Becky" I smirked as she turned around once more to face me before she walked out, closing the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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