Chapter 1

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Hey there guys! Been a long time since I wrote a Fairy Tail Story. Been waiting years to be able to publish this story and I'm so excited to finally get to share this story with you. I've worked on this story off and on for over 4 years. I took a break to be able to write other fandoms and expand myself and my writing, only to fall into multiple depression holes, anxiety holes, and "working as an adult sucks" holes. But I hope you get to enjoy this story as much I have over all these years. 

And quick to note: This story fallows the main anime story line, so you'll be able to fly through a lot of it once the story starts. It'll be mostly smaller details that are more modern and gameplay like. Fairy Tail as a Sword Art Online game, sounds like a blast. :) Enjoy!


"Look there she is." I heard a girl say over my shoulder. I  took a breath before I tried to ignore her and continue with my homework, sitting in the library by myself.

"Look at how bad her eye is this time." The first girl's friend commented with her. I moved my head to the side slightly and untucked my hair out from behind my ear, so they couldn't see my black eye as much. I think they realized that I could hear them since I undid my hair, after their comment and I could hear one of them chuckling a little now.

"Why does she let Lisanna do that to her? Why doesn't she say something?" The other asked while I could hear her friend trying to hold her laughs together. They wouldn't understand.

"Maybe she likes it?" The friend finally couldn't hold back, and I couldn't take it any longer. I gathered all my homework and shoved it all into my bag and headed out the Library doors, making sure to eye the girls hard as I walked passed them. The one laughing locked her lips tight and looked down and away from me. Meanwhile the only one of them who seemed to care gave me an apologetic look for her friend. But apologies didn't stop me from storming out of the library.

I hate it when people talk about me. Just because your someone's punching bag doesn't mean that you can actually take a punch.

I took a deep breath as I made my way down school's hallway and towards the nearest exit. But with my eyes closed trying to remain calm, I didn't see a door opening in front of me and I slammed my face straight into the door. I fell onto my back. I looked up and saw my nightmare staring back at me with two girls standing behind her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lisanna asked as she put her hands on her hips, as her friends stood behind her with their arms crossed.

"I was heading home for the day." I said and couldn't keep myself from becoming nervous.

"Did you finish our research paper yet?" One of the girls behind her asked as she glared at me.

"No, not yet." I said getting a little more nervous as they all glared at me. "But I'll have it to you by tomorrow morning. I promise." Lisanna hummed as she thought, taking a moment to glance at her friends before saying anything.

"Fine, but I better have it the moment you get here." Lisanna said as she walked away with her slutty little friends behinds her. "Otherwise the school newspaper would have an extra interesting story to publish, wouldn't they?"

"Yes, Ms. Lis." I said as I looked down at the ground and picked up all my papers and shoved them into my bag. Well, not my papers. 

I bolted down the rest of the hallway and out the door before Lisanna changed her mind. And I pretty much ran the rest of the way back home. I took a couple of slow breaths to calm my racing heart and mind. I couldn't just walk into the house when I feel like I'm seconds from crying.

I opened the mailbox, seeing the normal amount of envelopes and a small box. Placing all of it in the crook of arm, I reached for my keys out of my school's uniform skirt. Once I got them out I picked the newspaper up off the top step and added it to the pile in my arms.

'600 players finally wake up after being freed from Alfheim'

I read the front cover as I walked into the house.

"I'm home!" I called out as I kicked my shoes off and walked towards the kitchen.

"How was your day dear?" A short woman with black hair asked me as she was finishing up the dishes. Spetto turned to me as she dried her hands. Once she saw me she gasped and ran towards me. "What happened to your eye?"

"Oh it's nothing, I wasn't paying attention and ran into a door at school." I told her, only partly true. She looked at me and gave me a look that told me she knew I was lying.

"Well, you really need to be more careful." She told me in a tone I could tell she wanted to scold me with.

"I will." I told her. "All those kids got freed from that fairy game." I said in an attempt to get off this topic.

"The kids that were stuck in that Sword game before that?" Spetto asked me as she took the mail from me.

"Yeah." I said, and Spetto looked up at me.

"I'm glad you ended up not getting that game like you had planned on." Spetto told me as she cupped the side of my face. I smiled at her and turned to get a drink out of the fridge. "You would have been too young to understand any of the life and death stuffs. Not to mention you would miss out on the important learning you get at school."

"Yeah, would have missed out on all the good stuff." I commented as I shut the fridge door, my long sleeve sliding down just slightly. I held onto the handle as I looked down at my slightly exposed wrist. Not results directly put there by Lisana, but myself late at night when the pills couldn't touch me.

"Did Dad say when he was going to be home from his business trip?" I asked as took my brain away from that dark corner. I distracted myself with my juice, only to struggle to get the straw into the box.

"You're father said he would be home in a few days." Spetto said as she grabbed the juice box from me and punched the straw through it like it was no problem. But she didn't hand it back to me right away. "Did he tell you what his trip was for?"

"No." I said and took a big drink of juice. After I swallowed, I couldn't help but get conserned. "Why? Was he supposed to?" I questioned.

"I would think he would have, considering it has to do with you." Spetto told me as she placed her hands on my shoulders. "Sweetheart." Spetto calmly said as she tried to find her words. I finished drinking my juice as she finally put the pieces together. "Your father is arranging for you to get married." She said plainly and my breath hitched.

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