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6 days till Christmas-

Christmas was coming quickly. It would be here before we knew it. None of us were ready for it this year. All we could do was think would Oli be with us this year or not. We didn't even have a Christmas tree up. It didn't feel right. Oli had mentioned wanting one the other night, and after he went to sleep, we all talked about it and decided we'd get one for him. 

Oli had always been the kind of person who liked the real Christmas trees. He said they were a lot prettier than the fake ones, he just never wanted to be the one to clean up all the mess the tree would leave behind. 

Early the next morning while Oli was still sleeping, we all headed out to find the perfect tree. If we were going through the trouble of getting a new tree, we wanted to get a big one. And that's exactly what we did. 

It took all of us, Jordan included to carry the monster of a tree inside the house. We positioned it perfectly in front of the window and drug out all of our decorations. Decorating would come later, once Oli woke up. 

It was about an hour later when we heard Oli's footsteps coming down the hall. 

Jordan was the first to jump up and run over to him, a big smile plastered across his face. "Hey baby, we have a surprise for you." He said, sounding like a little kid. 

Oli smiled softly, "What is it, baby?" He asked softly. 

Jordan took his hand, lacing their fingers together as he led him to the living room. "This" He said.

Oli's eyes widened and he smiled, "Wow, you guys. It's absolutely beautiful." 

"We saved the decorating for you to help us with.." Lee added, setting down another box of decorations. 

"Well thanks, guys." He started, taking a seat on the couch "You'll have to give me a minute though to catch my breath." 

Whether anyone wanted to admit it or not, Oli was fading fast. He was never had enough energy to do much of anything and even though none of us wanted to admit it, I think we all knew. 

"Take your time, bro" Matt said, smiling at the front man. 

Christmas was only 6 short days away. Now, I think we were all concerned he wouldn't make it until then. 

Oli laid back against the couch, shaking his head. He hated this. Hated feeling the way he'd been feeling. Hated having others take care of him. 

Jordan sighed and quickly wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand before excusing himself and heading outside. 

Lee took it upon himself to follow him outside. 

"You okay, bro?" He asked softly, already knowing the answer.

Jordan shook his head "I feel like I'm slowly dying inside Lee." He began "I don't know how I'm going to get through this. How am I supposed to sit back and watch him die?" He asked, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Lee sighed, stepping closer to Jordan and wrapping an arm around his waist to pull him into a hug. "You're going to get through this. We're all going to be here to help you. That's a promise." 

Jordan nodded. Even though he knew what he was saying was true, it didn't make it hurt any less and didn't make him any less scared. He knew in the days to come Oli was going to get weaker and weaker. He wasn't sure if he could handle seeing the man he loved slowly slipping away. 

By the time Jordan and Lee came back inside, Oli had already fallen asleep. The short walk from the bedroom to the living room had worn him out. Jordan sighed and the tears began streaming down his cheeks once more. 

"I don't think he's going to make it till Christmas..." He said softly, sitting on the edge of the couch, his fingers finding their way into the sleeping man's hair. 

Lee frowned, biting at his lower lip nervously as his eyes fell on the sleeping front man. "Let's not think that way, let's be positive." He said, offering Jordan a small smile. 

Jordan swallowed hard, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm himself. He didn't want Oli to wake up and see him crying. 

"We just have to make sure Oli is as comfortable as possible and we make this the best week of his life. You know? I don't want him to have to life a finger. Anything he needs, one of us will get. He's not to do anything for himself. We will wait on him hand and foot. Does everyone agree?" He asked, looking around the room.

Everyone nodded, looking over at Oli who was still fast asleep on the couch. 

"I think that's a good idea" Jordan started "He's been getting tired a lot more easily now, there's no sense in making him get worn out when he doesn't have too." He said. 

"Right...oh, a lot of people have been calling and wanting to come see him sometime in the near future." Matt added.

Lee nodded, "I think that's a good idea too. Although I wouldn't have too many people at once. Maybe spread them out a little." 

Jordan nodded "Yeah, I think that's what we should do. Have a few come at a time." 

Tomorrow would be the day we started letting our friends come and see him. I just hope it doesn't do more harm than good. 

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