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Jordan's P.O.V

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I watched Ollie's eyes roll back in his head. I froze for a moment, unsure of what was exactly happening. I fought hard to keep the tears at bay, but they were soon falling freely.

I soon snapped back into reality and screamed as loud as I could for someone to help me.

It wasn't long until Lee and the others ran in, confusion spread across their faces.

"I don't know what happened," I started "then his eyes rolled back and he passed out."

Although I was trying my best to stay calm, I knew they could see right through me.

"Call 911!" Lee shouted, "his breathing is extremely shallow."

Great, I can't seem to move again. This can't be happening. Not now. Not to Ollie. He wouldn't leave me. Not now, not like this.

Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. I could see the others, desperately trying to revive Ollie, begging for me to help. But, I was powerless to help them. All I could do was watch my life slip away from me.

It wasn't long till I heard the ambulance in the distance. Good. I thought. They'll come in, work their magic, and he will be fine. At least that's what I hoped anyway.

I hadn't noticed the paramedics coming in, and it took Lee pulling me away for me to realize they were trying to help him.

"I know you do this everyday. And I also know you can't save everyone," I began, ,"this isn't just some random guy. This is our best friend, our brother, & the love of my life. I don't care what you have to do you save him. Letting him die is not an option. Do you understand me? "

One of the men looked at me and nodded "I do. We're going to do everything we  can to help him. I promise you. Okay?" He said, offering me a small smile.

I wanted to believe him. I needed to believe him. Ollie was going to be okay. He had too.

A\N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm back now, and will be working on my stories. Thanks so much for reading!

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