**Important Update Information**

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Okay, so for those readers who have been with me for a while now and know my style. I will cut straight to the chase, while fudling around a lot of bollocks that you won't care about. Because essentially I am an unknown author and yes, a stranger, telling you weird tales about make-believe worlds over the ruthles and ever perverted internet ... correct?

Firstly for the new readers who have decided to embrace my world, welcome and may the love of Aarnantherea spread through you as much as her web of entrancement ensnares your soul. (That is a good thing, I promise)

This is an old novel - sort of - that I'm revamping, it's split into two halves, with two seperate novels both have a werewolf denomination, this one I claimed as a teen fiction because although Romance is an element in the end it is hardly the essential think I want you take away from the tale.

The second novel has an action denomination, this could possibly be changed to Adventure, or Mystery (although that doesn't quite fit with what I'm going for, argh you guys decide). I won't tell you how that one differs aside from those tid-bits, you can check for yourself #Raw Paranoia. In which there actually is a better break down of both, but you wouldn't want to spoil your fun now, would you?

Secondly to my old readers, you may commence with the slapping, but you will have to form an orderly queue behind Hayley, for she - in the end - deserves to hit me the most. I however, do understand your frustration of getting into a novel only to find that the author doesn't or won't or can't update, and hasn't done so for months. It's bordering on abhorrent. So I take what each of you have told me with a pinch of salt.

Lastly as a new years resolution my updates shall now be coming weekly (for information on other book updates see my profile), for this particular novel they shall be every Thursday and alternate Sunday - if a Thurday update is late. This is so you each have something to look forward to mid-week and I have a set goal or time frame to work with. *

Thank you for your reads and comments on both sides. Don't forget to vote and/or comment, it inspires and it motivates me, just as much as each read does.

May Aarnantherea, devour your withering fleshy tomb and release your essence into the starlit sky. (Again this is a GOOD thing... Hayley -_-)

*Please bear in mind that I do live in the United Kingdom so for those reading who live in different parts of the world my updates may NOT come on a Thursday or Sunday for you guys, due to the time difference.

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