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and the playlist is on 8tracks and my username is WRECKEDKIDS - obviously

please comment ! i love reading peoples comments because they make me feel so good about myself and it's really quite nice

and also who watched MISFITS? i really enjoyed the first two seasons but after that it became shitty // no spoilers // but i was thinking about make a NEW STORY called MISFITS and have it based of MISFITS and their powers but then ONE DIRECTION will be involved. :))

anyway hope you enjoy this because if you do - thank you :)

stay gorgeous 


// good luck at school tomorrow btws //


December 2nd 2015

6:12 pm.

South London

Audrey Street, 14

Dakota and Louis’ flat / Livingroom.


               The front door of the tiny flat flew open and in came a raging Dakota. She wasn’t raging at the boy who was lying on the couch, but on her sister, and sometimes the rage she felt for someone else came out on the wrong person.

               “How could you?” She yelled as she slammed the door shut, tears brimming her eyes. “Why wouldn’t you have told me?”

               Suddenly the flat became silent, an answer that she expected to come didn’t. All she could see was puffs of smoke coming from the sofa. Suddenly she was afraid – of what he might do and react – it could be heart breaking; literally.

               “What’s wrong Dakota love?” he cooed suddenly – his voice raspy and it sounded like it would after he had some drugs.

               Dakota frowned. “Who are you?”

               No answer.

               “Louis who the hell are you?” she asked him again but was faced with the usual – silence. “You used to tell me e-everything, Lou! Everything! A-A-nd now-”

               “Stutter some more darling,” he mocked her, using her flaw against her. Dakota had always had something with the topic anxiety and one of the side effects of her having it, was that she would stutter on some occasions. Stuttering was simply in her blood; something impossible for her to change.

               “Stop it,” she whined shaking her head in embarrassment.

               “Then you must stop acting so panicked. Dakota, love, I don’t like it when you run around as if you’re a chicken without a head.”

               Dakota ignored his remark – she didn’t even hear it, for her mind was assembled with different – imperative – matters. She ran over towards him, going on her knees and grabbing his hand.

               “Don’t leave me, Louis. Please. I’m begging you – don’t leave me!” She was at this stage already crying, her chapped lips were stretched out as she began to choke on her tears, paining her. “You knew it didn’t you Lou?”

               Even though, Louis often betrayed his bad side – recently a lot to her, he couldn’t help but let his heart tear at the sight of her being an ugly mess. It broke him how much she depended on him, and it also broke him how much he could pain her. But yet under the heavy affect of the drugs, he relished it – he’s always relished it when he had the upper hand of situations and people.

               He sat up on the sofa, pulling Dakota next to him as he pulled her in his chest. “Dakota please.”

               She held onto his graphic t-shirt, shaking her head viciously. “N-no, Lou. Why didn't you tell me?”

               “Because I didn’t want to see you like how you are now,” he chuckled lightly, stroking her dry blonde hair.

               She held on him tighter – so much tighter, Louis had to shift a bit, trying to loosen her grip.

               That’s how it stayed for another five minutes – a bummed young man who got interrupted in his drug session, and a petrified young lady who was weeping and weeping and who wouldn’t stop. Louis was caught off guard when she stopped crying after six minutes, her tears being swapped out with sniffles.

               Her blues, glassy, undeniable disappointed eyes found his and a small smile crept on her face. “This is a sign Louis!”

               He scrunched his eyebrows together and waited for her to continue to what he thought was her ‘crazy talk’.

               “We have to move! Before they find you and bring you to jail! We could go to –“

               Louis pressed his lips against her, the only way to truly make her shut up for the time being. She quickly complied, screaming with joy that he kissed her, and she wrapped her hands around his neck, being pulled closer towards him.

               The kiss tasted of filth, drugs, sweetness, bitterness – so many different flavours – some not even close to being delightful but Dakota couldn’t bother to care. The kisses and touches got rougher by each pounding second; the couple now lying on top of each other on the coach.

               Every kiss, every suck and every touch made Dakota moan in joy. Every time he kissed her chapped lips, leaving a trace of cigarette ash, she squealed in adoration. His touches made her feel so wanted; something that had been missing to her. Every time he sucked right on the nape of her neck, she grinned in pleasure.

               “I love you.”

               “I love you too baby.”

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