Sneaking Out

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Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up
with you all night
Had I known how to save a life.
~the fray

I sat on the couch, confused, as I stared at dozens of people walking in our house and looking for 'God knows what clues'.

I saw Yui,my younger sister standing beside the window looking more confused than i was
I looked back at the staircase when i head Officer Collins coming down followed by my terrified looking mom.

My mom nervously spoke out when they both reached the hallway,"So you think he left the city,Officer?"

Offier Collins crossed his hands and looked downwards narrowing his eyes,"By the looks of it,i think he did."

Mom suddenly broke down into tears. George,my dad came from behind and wrapped his arm around mom's soulder and came and sat down on the couch beside mine.

Officer Collins walked across me and sat down on the single couch infront of me.
"We will start searching for him from today." Offier said looking at my parents.

Mom kind of sniffled rubbing her eyes and said regretfully," I dont know where he went. I told him so many times not to leave like this."

"So this isn't the first time that jerk left the house? Hmm." Officer frowned.
I stared at my parents hoping they would say something in protest. But they didnt.
Officer continued,"This kind of jerks should be kept under strict supervision.For them we have to go through so many things."

I couldnt take it anymore. "He never ran away like this before! Even if he did he would have left a note or messege." I protested.

The offier narrowed his eyes at me and raised his eyesbrows. He totally ignored my objection rolling his eyes.
"We will be leaving now. If u find anything call me Ms.Clair." he said standing up.

My parents got up to see off Officer. I rushed to my room and closed the door. I sat down on my bean beside the window for the rest of the evening wondering where Chase couldve gone. Afterall he was the bestest friend i have ever had.When i got up,i knew exactly what i should do.

After a really gloomy dinner my mom went to sleep as George told her to do so. I was about to leave the kitchen but stopped when George called me.

"Instead of being totally useless you can at least do the dishes." He remonstrated looking at me as if i were some kind of a pityfull animal.

I wanted to protest but i wasnt in the mood for that. After doing the dishes i hurriedly went to my room.

I took out the purple travel bag which my dad got for me when i was 12.
I put in some torch light,batteries, a map,my headphones and some more stuff.
I went to Chase's room and took his journal which he was writing recently and i knew he wouldn't be mad at me as he would always let me read it. I took in some more stuff from his room.

Apparently my bag became filled with all the junk stuff i had put in. So i had to take another bag. I put on my snickers after i was done packing my bag. I took in the money i had saved for the past few years.

I went downstairs tiptoe-ing trying not to make any sound. But, i forgot to zip one of the chains of the smaller bag i was carring. And...a good amount of stuff feel off the bag and made its way upto the end of the staircase making a series of noises echoing the whole house.

I bustled down the stairs trying to pick up as much as things as possible which had fallen down.

I grabbed the car keys and checked if my parents were alseep. I saw their lights were off and there were no noices. I let out a sigh of relief. As i didnt want to get caught by George by any means as i wasnt a big fan of how he talked to me and treated me.

I darted towards the door as i knew
George would wake up any time soon as he often goes to some kind of work during this time which i have no clue about. I gently pulled the door knob breathing deeply as my heart was racing.

I got out and closed the door behind me. I saw the car was parked on the road. I rushed towards the car.

I felt so good for some reason . I felt freedom after ages. I felt like i was free now. I whispered into the cold air,"Chase, i am coming for you."

I took out the car keys from my pocket as i reached the car. I raised my hand a bit to open the car door.

But then suddenly i felt something cold on my shoulder. My heart started racing all over again. I slightly turned my head and saw a pale manly hand on my shoulder. I almost froze to death and the car keys fell from my hand. I closed my eyes tightly and turned backwards and gently opened my eyes hoping and praying to God so that this isnt George.

But the more i opened my eyes the more i saw a really familiar face. My whole body was echoing with my heart beat. I opened my eyes fully and saw a very familiar handsome young man standing infront of me. It took me a second till i realized he was my middle school crush, Aiden.

🌟Author's Note.
Hey guys!! Hope u guys liked it. To be honest i personally dont like the first chapter that much. 😅 But still hope guys enjoyed it. The second chapter is one of my faves. I am still working on it. So dont forget to check it out when its done. And if there are any grammatical mistakes please forgive me and tell me in the comments section about it. I will try my best to fix it and aviod the errors.

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