Run Away

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I was hallucinating. I didnt know what to do. What if he told my parents about this.. They would kill me if they found out i was planning to leave the city.
The wind was blowing really fast as it was the end of November.
Aiden put his hands inside the pocket of his navy blue sweatshirt he was wearing and asked me in a really soft tone looking confused,"Where are you going Aila?"
My heart almost skipped a beat after listening my name being called by him after ages. I looked at him to give a reply but the way his blue eyes were staring at me, I couldnt help but blush.
I shook my head and said,"Its none of your business." Then i picked one of my bags from the ground and opened my car door and placed it on a sit.

"Dont tell me you are planning to run away?"
I totally ignored him knowing that it would just be a waste of my time talking to him and put in the other bag inside the car.

"Come on,you cant ignore me Miss. Triple A." He said putting one of his hands on my car and leaning against it,staring into my eyes.

"Dont call me by that name!" I said angrily trying not to raise my voice.
I opened the front door of thr car and sat down.
He leaned beside the car window and smirked as he said," you know,you cant go far from here without any permit or license."

"Well, i am sure no one checks permits at night unless i drive into a house like you."
He smiled and said," that was so many years ago. And besides u cant go far driving like this at night."

For a second i thought he was right. But could i trust him?
"What makes u care about a class nerd like me? Did ur 1463480th girlfriend ditch you player boy?"

He rubbed the back of his head with his hand and grinned saying," Apparently she did. And now i need to run from here as I accidentally," his grin faded away and regret cane in his face as he told," crashed my new car into her house. Her parents called the cops and now they r looking for me."
I gave him a blank look and was about to close the window shield and leave but suddenly he said," Hey wait! I can help you. Like we should pair up."
I raised an eyebrow looking at him. He continued," I can drive u to wherever you r going and in exchange u just get me out of the city. My parents will kill me if they found out about all this."
I thought about it for a while and i relauzed that i could actually do with some company. And besides its better dragging him along with me so that he cant tell my parents about this nd he can alos drive me.

I started the engine of he car and said,"Hope in. I will be driving for now."
I coyld see how glad he became. He came and sat down on the front sit beside mine. "You are the best triple A."
"Ugh! Dont call me by that name." I started the car and drived kind of fast as i knew i wouldnt get much time to leave the city.
"Okay fine! Aries Amanda Aila."
😑"Do u want me to kick you out of the car? No wait...I can drop you to the police station."
"Nooo!!" He screamed. "Anywhere but not there."
" listen to what i say Mr.Dumped Player."
He frowned looking at the opposite direction,"Fine. You changed a lot from middle school aila i miss that Aila."
I cpuld feel my cheeks getting heated. I kept on driving as i knew i needed to find Aiden.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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