Chapter 21- Changing and Understanding

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"Who the hell do you think you are?!"


"Really!? You promised your delivery two-fucking hours ago. Where's the jerk of an employee of yours?"


"Wow! So much so for being professional? Now, how the fuck am I going to complete my order in time? I have to deal with such brainless shitty people, every day!"


"Yeah! Sorry, my ass!"

Avni slammed the receiver on its end with an irritated huff and put her head in her hands while Amit watched her the entire time. She didn't even see him arrive, even when the bell had chimed with a loud ting.

While she was busy yelling at a poor, or maybe not-so-poor fellow on the other end, he was thinking how in the world a person could manage to cuss so much in just three sentences. Sure, he had used profanities, but only in intense situations where he had no choice but to speak in an intimidating tone when people didn't understand anything with his look.

He started walking the short distance from the door to the reception desk when Avni looked up and saw him.

"When did you arrive?" she asked. Her face formed a look of surprise.

"Just when you were chiding that poor fellow on the phone," Amit replied and came to stand in front of the reception desk.

"Oh, he was not a poor fellow. He was a douchebag..." her words were tiring at first, but it didn't take long for her feisty side to show. She ended up using all her frustration and started venting.

"These guys think they own us! What the fuck do they think of themselves? This pigheaded guy didn't deliver parts of instruments that were to be delivered today. The order has to reach before two days, Amit. They think we can't function without their services, and they are the only ones to make our job worthwhile!"

"Avni," Amit called out her name, but it was in vain.

"Why are there shitty people in this world? Why can't anyone do their jobs sincerely?"

"Avni!" He called again, but she wasn't listening.

"If they have some problems, can't they just tell us beforehand? So that we don't rely on them? No. Instead of doing a job like a professional, and taking an alternate path, all they say is sorry! Fucking sorry!" She fired all her anger into those words and balled her fingers into a fist.


This time Amit squeezed her hand and demanded her to look up.

"What?" she bellowed.

They stared at each other. When Avni finally let Amit's calm face settle in her mind, her furious rage started to dissipate, her frown lessened, and she loosened the hold on her fists.

"How many times did you cuss during the conversation?" He queried, wanting to take her mind from the stress.

"Uh... What?" she asked dumbfounded.

"More than six times, Avni," he replied with a straight face, not wanting to smile at her confused expression.

"Uh... I didn't realize," she stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Of course, you didn't. I swear, sometimes you make God take bath with holy water," he teased her lightly.

When she heard him tease her, a small smile played on her lips. Her earlier frustration slowly ebbed away with his light talks.

"It's not my fault these guys make me lose my temper," Avni replied, albeit in a normal tone, with the shake of her head.

"Care to explain what just happened? Without lashing out on the fellow, that is. It won't be fair to him, you know, seeing that he isn't even in front of you." Amit winked, and Avni shook her head. Then, she explained the whole situation. Her voice this time was calmer, and she seemed composed.

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