Serendipitous Eclipse

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You're like the stars that shine after twilight.the light you exude illuminates
Every broken piece in me. Your eyes glimmer with poetic beauty and your lips move with utter grace when you recite Shelley to me.
"what if you're the moon and I am the sun and we were never meant to collide". I asked one night when the mellifluous sound so deep and profound echoed around.
"but, then wouldn't it be spectacular if we did" she replied, eyes sparkling in an arcadian softness just like the moon.
" the whole world would stare at the awe of our serendipitous eclipse"

We smiled as we melted under the starry december sky engrossed at the constellations. I knew then that she and I were meant to collide. I knew that she was my sky and I the stars  except that fell each night just for her.

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