Chapter 7 - brunette there,brunette here,brunette everywhere!

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Mizu's POV

"Oh hell naw!"I said as I saw a shadow behind me."Um,hello."I turned around to see a brunette with blue eyes.his wearing a orange t-shirt and Brown shorts.he looks young.."uhh,hi?"i smiled awkwardly.
"Are you the mermaid that captain said?"he asks."yes,who are you then?"i asked."I'm ayato,ayato shikimi."he smiled."you look very young,how old are you?!"I asked with questionable eyes."Um,I'm just 13."he said."okayyy."


"So,you are actually a princess.but ran away."he said.I nodded."but,how were you caught?"he asked.
"Uhh,I got lost with my sister while chasing a school of fish."I replied.


While ayato was writing down a list of food,I looked behind him.another brunette,but his hair is spiked up.he has reddish brown eyes.he has a scar at his face,but his mouth is covered with a mask that has sharp teeth.he wore a maron coat that reaches down his legs,a silver hook,black boots,a brown shirt, black pants,a red cloth that hangs on his hips.

"Ayato,food's ready."he spoke while looking at me.
"Finally,I'll meet you later mizu.bye!"he closed his notepad and ran to the door."aren't you mizu?"he asks."I just swam down and set off to find George and William.I gotta admit,the pond's big.

Oh how I regret that.when I swam up,his hand grabbed's not forcefully."what do you want!?"i asked with fury in my eyes."I just want to get a close look of you,that's all."he said with a bored tone.

" rude of me,I'm Loki Osaka."he said."okayy?"i said.he lets go of me.

-with shiki-

"Sis?!?"i shouted through the ocean with my mother.
"Shiki,doesn't your throat hurt?"she asks."mom,I need to find mizu!"I said."there's no use.s-she's g-gone."she broke down and cried."mom,she will come back.don't worry!we still have hope!"I said and hugged her.

"Odyaka!have you find her yet?"my father said."no.."she replied.

Oh mizu,we'll save you!just don't worry!

-back with haru-

"Oh no."I said as I faced te window."Come on captain,calm down!"itami says as he pays my back.
"T-te hard work we did to g-get te treasure,te happiness te mermaid brought!"I tried to calm down.
"Guys!look!"hotaru said as she stood up from te box,with a device?on hand."I built this like 2 years ago,the necklace I gave to mizu has a tracker in it!"she says.

"I built that in case mizu gets into trouble."she smiled."there's hope!!"ritsu stood up.


Finally,I forgot to mention that this story is with Japanese names.I don't even know what loki's name means..CD

Loki:what did you say!?

Nothin' bish.

Loki:he walkin' te plank!

Nope nope nope!

Deeply In Love,who Will I Choose? (Oc Brothers X Mermaid!Mizu X Pirate!haru)Where stories live. Discover now