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"I can't wait!" I squealed, looking at my reflection in the mirror, pressing the beautiful white dress against my slim figure, the diamonds on the front shining in the sunlight and the silk trailing on the floor elegantly.

"I can't believe you're getting married next month, it's so fast!" Aisha, my best friend grinned.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Nasirah, my other best friend enquired, wiggling her thin eyebrows and grinning like Aisha.

"His name is Nassir", I stated simply, "and he's our age".

"Oooo, is he cute?" both girls asked together, as I put the dress back in my oak wardrobe, sighing.

"Can we talk about something else now?" I groaned. It was annoying the fact they were asking about the appearance of my soon-to-be-husband. It wasn't their husband, so they had no need to know.

"No!",they both screamed in unison. "It's our best friend's wedding soon, and we're going to plan it, okay?" Nasirah said calmly as I fell onto my bouncy bed, spreading out the dark purple duvet in frustration as I looked at the lilac painted walls annoyed. This is a bad idea! I hope they don't choose bright neon pink as the theme of the decorations in the wedding hall...that would be bad!

"Great" I mumbled sarcastically at the thought of my two crazy best friends ripping up my full length wedding dress, and replacing it with a hot pink knee length skirt. Haram!

They both shot me an annoyed look, staring daggers at my eyes. "There's nothing to worry about, we'll make it the best wedding your family has ever seen!". They smiled at me hopefully.

"Okay guys you can plan the wedding. After all, this is gonna be great!". I smiled, standing up and pulling them up to hug them, "In fact it'll be better than great. My two best friends are going to plan my wedding day insha Allah, and I'm going to get married next month. What could go wrong, huh?". Well, as long as they didn't rip up my wedding dress, what could possibly go wrong? It would all be fine. It will be perfect; I'm going to get married!

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