Sadie pov

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Man casey I got time for ur bitch ass like fr . I thought u was my friend but every time I turn around u always talking about me behind my bank and when I come confront u about it u want to be all friendly and act like nothing  happened . That's  why I can't stand up half of the time because u a fake mother fucker and u scary "i said. Oh how rude my name is Sadie Dianne Jones and I'm 12 in the 7th grade. Man stop showing off in front of people cause u know u wouldn't  be  saying this if everyone  was right here" said casey.  U don't know wht hell is would do or say  and I ain't got time to be  fighting  u cause I'm going threw some shit right now. Man I great-grandmother  in the hospital  in a coma  and  she might not make it alive and u suppose to be  my friend but u talk about me behind my back  and only friends with me cause I got money." I said.  Bitch  plz I am ur friend and I'm the only friend u will have "said casey. Look bitch imma say this one time and one time only :

And if u ever mess with me or any of my other friends that's our life  . DO I MAKE MYSELF  Clear hoe "i said . ..... " casey . That wtf I thought u ain't gonna  do  shit so do I make my got damn self clear?" I asked.  Sadie calm down "said Alissa.  I'm calm very calm " i said . Sadie calm down I got this  an den as for u casey if u ever touch, talk about,  or try to blackmail  Sadie  that's ur funeral and ur grave ,so don't let me catch or hear u say or do some shit about Sadie "said Alissa. And oh one more thing before I walk away you better have my money " i said.

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