Chapter 10

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My phone beeps, another text from Dustin. He said Good Morning lovely. I loved his texts they were so sweet, and made me smile. Are you coming over today? I reply. My day was increasingly bored without him. I was still mad at my mom and didn't understand how she could not want me to be happy.

Yea, my little sis said she only wants our Mom there... She's still recovering from the chemo. My heart was crushed by the news, she was so sweet, and she didn't need the awful side effects of chemo. I guess I’ll see u in a 3oish min? I question. Of course b there soon! I can hear him talking in my head.

"Come down and eat some breakfast!" My Dad yells.

I groan loudly, today I was feeling lousy. I guess all the hope I was filled with yesterday wouldn't be there today.  "No I'm not really that hungry. I'm just going to hang out with Dustin today." 

"You gotta eat something missy." My Mom sits on my bed." Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, her jet black hair streaked with gray.

"I'll drink some juice." I say groggily. I pull out a blue tank top, and bright green shorts; maybe they'll lighten my mood. They didn't.

"Ugh, Ella I can't take your attitude anymore! You need to eat, you’re not a kid anymore! I can't force you to eat!" She lashes out on me. Her voice so loud, I jumped.

"I told you I'll drink some juice." I fold my arms across my chest, I knew if I ate I'd puke, and I certainly wasn't going to be drinking juice. 

"I'm done! Mia's staying here right now, and I want to spend time with my granddaughter! Ask your Dad if you need anything! I try to protect you and look where it got me!" She's pacing back and forth, her fists clenched.

"Then go away!" I yell, weakly. I didn't really have my heart in it. 

Her voice softens, "Today your Dad and I are taking Mia to the zoo, don't bother us." The words stung. It wasn't like I wasn't expecting her to eventually get tired of taking me to the hospital, watching me constantly, paying the bills. I just didn't expect it so soon. I knew she was done.

"Whatever," I hold back tears. When she left me bursted into tears, they had given up on me. They couldn't deal with it anymore. I owed them a lot; but still I didn't expect anything; not like this.

I heard the door slam, and watched as my family car drove away. I felt the memories drive away with them. I walked carefully downstairs, dragging a blanket behind me. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a small container of jello. I wasn't sure I could keep it down, I ate it anyways.

It didn't come back up, much to my relief. So I pretty much collapsed on the couch, and waited for Dustin.

"Hey El, are you okay?" Dustin sits next to me on the couch, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, can we go to your house though?" I'd tell him what happens later; but now I didn't feel up to it.

"Yeah sure." He helps me up, and we clasps my hand in his. He only let go of me when he had to go into the car.

"So Jenna's not feeling good?" I say, my voice was almost a whisper.

"No, they want to keep her there for a while. You’re not doing well either though." He says as we pull into the driveway, Lana literally jumps out of a bush and comes running towards us.

"Hey there babe! Your cousin looks tired! Why don't we let her take a nap, and go to my house?" She practically pulls on Dustin. I've never dated anyone before, but I was feeling a surge of protectiveness over him

"Excuse me, we're actually dating, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't stalk my boyfriend." I say smiling, the type of smile that said, I'll kill you in your sleep if you don't back off.

"Ooh your cousin is feisty!" 

"Listen Lana, let it go. I won't ever like you, and I'll never be in a relationship with you." He gently pushes her away.

"I'll be back after she dies!" She hisses, slowly backing into her yard. Her eyes narrowed. 

I suddenly felt the strongest will to live. To survive this creature that's living inside me. I didn't want Dustin to be open to other girls. I admit he wasn't unattractive, and was very athletic.

"Let's go inside." I tug him to the door.

"Ella, you won't die. I can see you recovering every day. Your skins getting brighter, and your eyes less sad. I know you'll survive." He pulls me in. I guess you'd want me to tell you that I didn't let go, and we had a romantic first kiss or something. That wasn't at all what happened though.

I puked, not on me no that would have been to awful. I puked right down Dustin's shirt. 

"Oh, nasty!" Dustin flicks the jello off of himself. His face was contorted, and it broke my heart. "I'm going to take a shower, you," he holds his hands out. "Just stay here!"

I sob silently, do guys get upset when girls puke on them? I never should have said yes, now I'll pay for it.

"Hey El," Dustin sits next to me. He didn't seem as upset, but something still flickered in his eyes. It seemed to be anger, but who could tell?

"I'm so so sorry. I should have known. I didn't, I didn't. I'll just go now." I start to stand, when Dustin grabs my arm.

"Hey El, its okay! I know you didn't mean it!" He hugs me, I try to pull away.

"No, how can you stand it? Sometimes I'll be fine, and others I'll puke on you!" I sob, it was beyond my control now. "What if I die tomorrow? My parents already think I'm going to die! I should sit alone in my room for the rest of my life!" I blow my nose, and curl up in a ball.

"Hey, I knew what I was getting into when I asked you out. No matter what I'll be there for you. Trust me." He holds onto me.

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