oh hey look, more tags!

31 3 16

k so let's get this started
[clears through rather loudly]

do you like someone?

yes.. but she's dating someone

do they like you back? do you know any other people that have a crush on you?

no and no

what is your middle name?

beth.. i think my mom chose it..??

single or taken?

forever alone, bro.. [le sob]

who's the last person you texted?

my sister

what's the last song you listened to?

demons by imagine dragons
and for some reason i thought of lams???

what's your battery percentage?

rn it's at 100%

who's your best friend? (not male)

on wattpad--i can't choose!--the whole dysfunctional family
in real life, this fabulous gay potato (whoimayormaynotlikecough{let's call her sydney})

who's your best guy friend?

i don't know who's what gender on wattpad but i do know SmolLaurens ((btw fam if you wanna join the dysfunctional family, just go to ch 32 on can you imagine my lafayettethellama))
but in real life... this boi who is also gay, or so i've been told by sydney

what is your otp?

can't choose between lams, jeffmads, mullette, courferre, or enjoltaire

how did you get onto wattpad?

back to maybe a year ago, i had another account that was just for reading and writing anime fanfics (coughmostlyyaoicough)
but now i have another account with actual friends and i write sinful shit about our founding fathers so great

what's your birthday?

june, first
i was supposed to be born in may tho


k so imma tag...
Lam_Llamas , InfinityPancakess , Dankmemeos , MapleFaceTheGeek  , FierySpirit2 , hamiltonsPetTurtle , and SmolLaurens
i think thats all of them??
might add more later, depending if i forgot anyone

k bai fam

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