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I started to put on my apron on once I hang the call. I was so delighted. Finally, I could feel how family bonding was. Then I started cutting the ingredients and then started with the cooking. Planning to cook Elena's and Jeremy's favourite dish.

Meanwhile, I heard a few knocks on my front door. Loud and quick. I wondered if they arrived. I switched off the gas and walked toward the door to opened it.

The door bell rang a couple more. "Urgh!Coming!" I yelled. My siblings would never be so impatient. I opened the door and it was Damon. "Oh. hi... I thought you are not coming." I asked, surprised. Damon just smirked and then the veins became visible Oh no... Something bad was about to happen. "Damon......" I called. But he started to charge. He dashed into my motel.

Quickly I retreated and revealed my wand, getting ready to use the unforgivable curse on him. 'Crucio' are only allowed to be used on Vampire and not on people. It was to protect oneself from harm. The curse would hurt him. Badly. Reading from books, the vampires will receive a migraine that is extremely painful. It was as if the brain was being pulled apart with sharp long claws.

So when Damon was in my motel, he fell onto his knees, holding his head, his face was scarlet bright. For that moment, I did not cared if he was a vampire. It was either him or me who got hurt.

I kneeled in front of him. "Damon... what is wrong? I swear I didn't 'migraine' you." I said quoting the word migraine. He looked at me with the deadly eyes which frankly creeps me out. A little bit. Quickly, he stood up and dashed out the door. What an off vampire.

"You didn't invite me in. " Damon replied, slightly massaging his head.

"So... why you come in if you....... know what will happen. Like that... just now?" I asked. Curious.

"Blood.."Damon uttered.


"You are bleeding..." Damon said, pointing to my finger. I looked at it and saw a cut on my index finger. However, I wasn't bleeding much. "Your blood smells, really strong.... you might want to clean that up now... Please."

I nodded my head and walked to the kitchen and put my finger under the running tap. "oouh" I said. It hurts a little. I went to find a band-aid and wrapped it around my finger. I looked out the door and there Damon was, still. This time, he was on his feet. "Come in..."

"Are you sure?" Damon asked.

"Yea...."I smiled and watched him entered the motel. I returned to my cooking.

While letting my dish cook, I walked over to Damon who was sitting on my bed. Thought of giving him a drink but he probably prefer blood.

"So...what are you doing here?" I asked. Those gorgeous blue eyes looked up at me.

"I want to make sure you are who you are." Damon uttered, smirking.

Just as I thought.

"Ookay.... I am Elena's and Jeremy sister. I am a witch of the Merlin Clan. I know the Gilberts does not have any magic in them. But there are witches and wizards that have mundane parents all around the world. I'm one of them. It is a gift really." I explained.

"Then who is Hermione?" Damon asked. His brow raised. I was kind of surprise that he knew about her. I guess there was no reason to lie. What could he even do with that information? So I told him everything. After all , he already knew about Witches, although it's about the Silas' clan.

"Hermione is my best friend. We met when we were 11. We grew up together... and well I worked with the Ministry. We called it Ministry of Magic. I worked as the 'policewoman', " I said, air coding the word 'Policewoman'. "I chase after bad witches and Wizards..." I continued. I stood up and walked to the kitchen and checked for the dish. I switched off the gas and let it cool a little bit.

I looked at Damon who was laughing, "So much bullshit..."

"hmmm... don't believe then.. I'm not forcing you to. Too much info. Got it, "I shrugged.

"How do you fool these people? Was it easy? How they just smiled and believed you," Damon asked. I smiled at how he could just accused me.

"I could ask you the same question."

"Girl with an attitude ... I like that. They always fall."

"Thank you Damon... I will take that as a compliment."

Damon sighed all of a sudden, "Alright woman! now im dead serious. Who are you? Don't test me!"

I sighed, "Are we seriously going down that road again?"

"Well you choose. You might be witch and technically use that stick thing to do magic. But your speed to take it out and my vampire speed can't be compare. Because I , without a doubt am faster." Damon provoked. Well that was true. Sort of. I can do certain magic without wands like the petrified spell, memory channelling and curing people's memory lost. I never knew why I got that gift. The Memory lost thing.

Sigh. "What a pity... just to make YOU feel better, I shall let you see my memory...and if you still don't believe me, suit yourself," I suggested with a slight smile.

"Hm...That's sounded good. But don't think it would be that easy to win me."

"Ok... come here..." I called. Damon came closer. "I got to touch your face..."I said, awkwardly.

"Touch away...." Damon smirked.

I rolled my eyes and placed my hands to his temples. Then, I shut my eyes.  I started to concentrate the scenes when I was 10.

Suddenly, there are flashes of images going on. That was when the channelling started. I was 10 years old and there sat Dumbledore talking to my mum and dad. Next was me doing my magic to him. Third, I was off to Hogwarts.

Moving on , there were flashes of me growing up, me writing letters to my family and then the War. How I killed plenty of deatheater. Lastly, me as an Auror.

I watched Emma who shut her eyes and when she opened them. It turned white. Her skin were pale too. Then I saw the flashes of images. My eyes started to burn. Slightly. She was not lying after all. She blinked and then she was back to normal.

"hmm..  Ok.. ok... but nothing has change. I still haven't trust you. Not entirely."

She removed her hands off temples and replied, "Understandable... and oh... I don't trust you at all," She laughed and stood up.

Emma Gilbert - Harry Potter + Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now