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I made sure I ignored Draco as I walked to the lift. Place was not quiet. I grabbed on the handles that were hanged in the lift as it moved forward, backwards, up and down vigorously. There were not much room in the lift which made everybody slightly uncomfortable.

Once or twice people bump onto me. Vice - versa.

Ding! The lift made a sound opened the door.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder while I was thinking about what happened earlier. I turned around to see Cedric Diggory who had cheerful face. I smiled at him as he smiled back and greeted me.


"Oh Hello," I greeted him back and walked out of the lift. Cedric followed out but walked away after that.

I looked around the Auror Headquarter, looking for Hermione. "Excuse me. erm.... " I tapped a man's shoulder who walked pass in front of me. I thought once more. what was his name , "Mr. Orlando Twiq. hmm.. have you seen Hermione Granger?" Orlando was a white tall man who might be 5 years older than me. He had a neat curly hair which was in black with green eyes.

Orlando smiled when he saw my face. He had a very handsome smile spread across his face. Why was he so happy? "Hello Miss Gilbert. Miss Granger was called by Mr. Fudge. She would be back soon, I think,"he grinned. I smiled, showing my sparkling white teeth and nodded my head. "You look beautiful tonight." Orlando complimented me. I giggled. "I'm serious..."

"Oh thank you Orlando. You don't looked bad, yourself," I said. Orlando blushed. Just when he was about to speak, I saw Hermione walking towards me with a frown on her face. "Hmm Orlando.. Hermione is here.. I have to go now.. I will see you some...other time..." I said in a rush as I pat his shoulder and walked towards Hermione. Poor girl, did she got reprimanded?

"Are you alright Hermione?" I asked. She looked so disappointed. "Hermione......." I whined. She sighed. "OK.. you know what Hermione, you and I are going shopping. ok? Anyway, you got no choice...We are going to New York." I locked my arm around her and dragged her to the fireplace where every Wizards and witch apparated.

Hermione and I apparated to New York Times Square with a split second. The place were so packed with New Yorker and tourists. I looked at the time once more which showed 3pm. Hermione still had the gloomy face. I put my arm around her shoulder and dragged her to the nearest boutique shop. I sighed as I looked at her. "Hermione Granger! You are going to tell me. What's wrong!" Before we could enter the boutique, Hermione stopped. I instructed her to face me as I asked her, "What is it Hermione?!"

Hermione inhaled and exhaled before she started to tell me the story. But before she could talked, I stopped her and went to get coffees from the nearest coffee stand. I handed a cup of coffee to her and apologised. We walked while we drank and talked. "Right after I brought Barty Crouch Jr. , Fudge made me go after Yaxley, one of Voldermort's past Death Eaters. I nearly got him but ....."

Hermione choked from her own words. I took my hand and rubbed her shoulder. "I got distracted when I saw a woman hugging Ron." Then she started crying. I pulled her into a hug. "It's all my fault."

"Hermione..... it's ok.... Everyone makes mistakes..."I stoke her back. There was small silence until I saw him. Yaxley. "Stay here..." I said as I apparated to behind Yaxley and quickly poured my hot coffee on his back. He screamed and looked back at me. Once I saw his face, I punched his nose as hard as I could, making his nose bleed. He fainted that instant. Well that just prove that he was just weak. And they said guys were stronger.

I watched as Hermione ran to me." Hermione, my dear.. please just take him to the Ministry of magic NOW! NO IFS OR BUTS.. please come back when you are done. thanks. If you don't come back, i will hunt you down," I ordered her. Her frown never changed even when I had help her captured Yaxley. She grabbed him and apparated after a short firm hug. 

While waiting, I went into stores and I fancied a few dresses and tops. Mainy window shopping. I looked at the time to see it was already 5pm. I was extremely exhausted , I decided to apparate home, knowing Hermione won't be back. You better hide yourself, Hermione, before I hunt you down.

I locked the front door shut as I entered the house. "Jeremy?! Elena!?" I yelled for them as I throw my bag on the counter table. But there were no answers. I walked into the kitchen to make a cup of tea when I saw a note on the table with my name on it. The words were written with ink and the font seems to be in an old handwriting font. I took the letter out of the envelope and read the text, "Dear Emma, I am truly sorry for cancelling our date. The woman you saw me with is.... actually my Fiancée. My father wants me to marry her. But I don't want to. Please believe me. I like you. A lot. Please don't give up on me. Not just yet. Give me one more chance? " The letter was then signed off with 'Draco' . I sighed. Rubbish.

Was he dreaming? Does he knows that I never like him.

"Incendio," I uttered a charm and watched as the note burned. Why would I waste my time on a man who I don't even fancy.

Emma Gilbert - Harry Potter + Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now