6: Fighting for Dominance..in Bed

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Troy couldn't decide if he felt relief or panic at Katrina's next move. The next thing he knew he was on his back on the bed, with Katrina kneeling above him, pinning his arms above his head with alarming strength.

"You stupid son of a bitch!" she hissed against his mouth. "I gave you every opportunity to come to your senses, but you kept coming after me! You want me Keller? You've got me, but don't expect soft or gentle. You won't get them from me!" With that, she crushed her mouth to his, prying his lips apart with her tongue, her nails digging into his wrists.

Keller was helpless then, and he loved it. He kissed her back because there was nothing else, matching her fierce demand. His whole body sighed with relief as she pressed against him. When she lifted her mouth, her look was one of feral intent. Gone was the nervous woman who lay quivering beneath him. The one above him knew exactly what she was doing, and it made him throb painfully. 

Katrina smiled and slowly released his wrists. Keller lowered his arms, hoping to touch her but she grabbed his hands, lacing their fingers.

"Don't move," she told him, her dark eyes bearing into his. He heard fabric tear as she ripped his shirt down the middle, groaning as she trailed lips, teeth and tongue over him. 

She took a bite of his neck, teasing him with her tongue. She ran her nails over his pecs and stomach, scratching just hard enough to make him hiss. As she looked down at the broad chest and six-pack abs, her mouth watered. The man was gorgeously ripped and tasted every bit as good as he looked. With her lips and tongue, she savored the softness of his skin, sucking just hard enough to leave a mark. 

She knew he'd complain tomorrow, but Katrina didn't care. She didn't believe he'd want her in the morning, and she wasn't entirely sure she'd want him, but for the first time, her conscious and subconscious recognized Keller for what he was: a gorgeous, intelligent male who wanted HER, the village hothead. Katrina bit hard because she wanted to mark him, brand him as a man she'd fucked. She wanted him bruised, so the next morning, amid the cold civility and awkward, post coital dialogue, she'd have proof she'd had him.

With her hands, she kneaded his muscles and played with the soft hair on his chest. She yanked just hard enough to make him gasp, and then soothed him gently kissing the side of his neck. Her face, she noted, as she slid her tongue over him, fit perfectly, as though it were meant to be there, and then she shoved the thought aside. This is my fantasy, she told herself, jerking his belt open with urgent hands. With a violence that surprised even her, she tore his jeans open and pulled him out, ignoring his pleas to move faster. He'd pushed her past the point of no return, a place where she ignored the begging and took what she wanted. If Keller didn't like it, he could go to hell!

Her face inches from his crotch, Katrina paused, stared, and licked her lips. This was turning out to be one massive cosmic joke. Not only was Keller drop dead gorgeous, the man was hung. It wasn't fair. No man deserved to be this beautiful. 

She took him into her mouth, wanting him desperate, smiling to herself when he cursed. Though she didn't do this very often, it was a skill she was particularly proud of. While he groaned, she moved her tongue over the head of him, massaging the groove beneath it with her tongue, silently spelling out what she planned to do with him.

"Oh Christ!"

Katrina raised her head and cocked a brow. "For someone with such a problem with profanity, you're cursing like a sailor."

"I'm doing my damndest not to cum!" he gasped.


He knew she intended to torture him, and the realization destroyed the remains of his self control. On a growl he grabbed her by the waist and tossed her back on the bed, shedding the remains of his shirt as he followed her down. Yanking her shorts off, he took hold of both her thighs and spread her wide. 

Katrina's gasped and hissed. Just as she prepared to force herself on top, he slid slowly inside her, replacing her protests with a moan of tortured ecstasy. 

Troy groaned. She was even wetter than before, and those soft, tight, clamping muscles made the blow job seem like nothing. God she felt good, and he gritted his teeth against the demand for release. He held still inside her. Now that he had Katrina, he planned to make it last! He forced himself to think of boring things; Baseball, Soap Operas, Shopping, anything but the woman beneath him and the release his body demanded.

Katrina didn't want him in control. She wanted him to go crazy and thrust deeply inside her. The man felt so good, she moved her hips frantically against him, causing shallow thrusts inside her, but it wasn't enough. She needed him harder, faster, deeper; but all he did was look deep into her eyes as he held himself lodged deep inside her. His only movement was the rise and fall of his chest that inevitably rubbed him against aching nipples. She sank her nails into his back, silently begging him to end her agony, but he refused to move, and God help her, she couldn't take it anymore!

"Please," she begged, wrapping her legs around his hips and squeezing. "Please."

It was all Keller needed to hear, and with a cocky smile, he moved deeper inside her, tormenting her with slow, deep thrusts. She looked defiantly at him before her eyes glazed over and she dug her nails into his back. Leaning forward, Keller kissed her long and hard and deep, mimicking the thrusts of his hips. He felt Katrina screaming against his mouth, and took her higher, sliding his hand between them to tease her clit with the tip of his finger. He felt her nails gouge bloody welts into his back, and he didn't care. He felt her cum for the third time that night, savoring her screams as he gave in to her need to go faster. On a moan, he thrust harder and faster inside her and let himself go. 

He recovered a few minutes later, only to discover with immense pride, that Katrina had passed out. With a grin, he headed to the bathroom to wash up, and then crawled into bed beside her, pulling her limp body against him. Now that he'd had her, he wasn't letting her go.


Katrina woke up to an arousal that was almost painful. She'd had another dream about Keller, and this one had beaten all the others, hands down. In her dream she'd fucked him and passed out, and in her sleep, he'd tied her to the bed and spread her legs. With light touches on her inner thighs, he'd teased gently before licking his way down her belly to her clit. It had all been so real. 

Half asleep, she tried to move her hands and froze. They were tied to the bed with what felt like a belt, and someone had spread her wide and was gently licking her, holding her now flailing legs apart with two strong male hands. Consciousness came back in a rush and her eyes flew open, her muscles tensing. Looking down her body, she could just make out the blonde head in the darkness.

Keller looked up and grinned sheepishly. "I didn't mean to scare you, honey. You just did such an amazing job on me that I thought I'd return the favor."

"Was it necessary to tie me up?" she asked breathlessly.

Keller smiled wider. "You're a restless sleeper, Katrina . . . and besides, as far as I can tell, you don't like me yet, but you will by the time I'm through with you. Lie back and enjoy yourself, honey, because I'm never letting you go"

Katrinaa couldn't decide whether to laugh or scream; gone was the arrogant asshole she knew. The grinning man between her legs was too darn cute, and she was too tired to be shocked or angry. As he licked her clit and blew gently on it, she sighed. If this was a dream, she hoped to stay comatose forever. 


In a bar a couple of blocks from the hotel, a twenty-dollar bill exchanged hands.

"It really wasn't fair of you to steal my room key," Aries grumbled.

"Hey! You're the one who can't hold on to anything? Its only twenty bucks," Ralph said with a smile.

"Twenty bucks American," she muttered.

"Besides," Ralph added, "You're the romantic one. You wanted this to happen, be happy for them."

"I guess," she muttered. 

"Under the circumstances, it looks like we're sharing a room tonight. How about I make it up to you?"

Alice stared at Ralph and smiled.

"You're on."



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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