you ain't seen nothing yet

643 17 32

Ashton's POV

Ever since Michael's new year party, Alex and his dad seemed to had been keeping an eye on me. I'd vowed to myself to stop drinking, as I'd landed myself into shit because I can't keep my mouth shut when I'm drunk.

I'd been having to take my pills in front of Alex or his dad, to make sure that I'm actually taking them, and not flushing them down the toilet like I had been doing.

I felt like I had no freedom recently, so I was glad when Luke had said that he wanted to take me on a date. Our first proper date. We'd done couple-like things together, but they weren't "official" dates, so I was really excited.

I didn't know what to wear, so I settled on a plain black t shirt, and black skinny jeans. I looked okay, I decided, as I sat and waited round for Luke.

He said he'd be here at six, and it was five fifty five. I sang along quietly to First Date by Blink, liking how relevant the song was.

There was a knock on the front door, and I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.

'Hi', Luke said, smiling as I opened the door.

'Hi', I replied, smiling back at him.

'You look so perfect', he said, and I blushed as I muttered thanks.

'You look kinda nice too', I said, admiring how Luke had quiffed his hair extra precisely today.

'Shall we get going then?', he asked, and I nodded.

Luke guided me to a white car at the end of the street, which turned out to be his brother, Jack's, car.

'You two are too cute', Jack said as he sped off. 'Luke, did you bring condoms?'

'Jack! We're not having-'

'I've got some', I said, which gained a laugh off Jack, and a surprised look off Luke.

'So, you're still not having sex then, Luke?', Jack asked, and I wiggled my eyebrows at Luke who blushed.

'Where are we going?', I asked, as Luke still hadn't told me where we were going.

'Some place by-'

'Jack, don't you dare! Don't spoil it', Luke rushed out desperately,  and I wondered why he was keeping it so secret. I'd find out soon enough.

After ten more minutes or so, the car stopped and Luke got out, taking me by the hand to follow him. I thanked Jack for the ride, and he sped off into the night, telling us to text him when we needed a ride home.

'Put this over your eyes', Luke said, handing me a red bandanna, and I did as I was told.

We walked for about five minutes, and by then I was growing impatient. I still had the bandanna tied around my face so I couldn't see where I was going, and I kept stumbling. All I knew was that we must've been in some sort of woodland area, as twigs kept snapping beneath our feet.

'Can i take this off now?', I asked, and Luke was quick to swat away my hand as I went to pull the bandanna off.

'No, and no peeking. It's not far now', he assured me, and I sighed as we kept walking.

Finally, we came to a stop, and Luke let go of my hand.

'Can i take this off now? Luke?' I called out, but he didn't answer. I heard scurrying and people whispering close by.

'Okay, you can take it off now', Luke said, and I did so eagerly.

I looked around in awe at how beautiful the place looked. There were strings of lights and candles next to a blanket that was next to a lake.

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