Chapter 32*

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"Hey." A voice whispered, attempting to pull me from my sleep. "Hey, baby girl, wake up." I smiled a little, knowing it was Andy. He cupped my face into his warm hand and kissed my forehead. That's when I finally opened my eyes.

"I tried to wait for you, Daddy." I said to him, yawning near the end. Since Sunday, he had been staying late at the office almost each night. But this time, I tried to wait for him to greet him when he'd come home.

He chuckled a little at that, running a hand through my hair. "You don't have to do that. Now let's get you to bed." He whispered to me, pecking my nose this time.

I was a little surprised, to say the least. "You're not going to scold me for staying up past my bedtime?" I wondered, eyes wide.

"No, I'm not, Kolleen."

Kolleen? Did he just seriously call me by my name?

What was going on here?

Andy picked me up in his arms, grabbing his jacket from the couch's armrest before he walked upstairs to the bedroom. He put me down on the end of the bed, taking his time to undress. I couldn't really take my eyes off him during that, but not for the usual reasons. This time, I couldn't help but to wonder if something was wrong.

When he was done, he came to the bed and dived underneath the covers, giving me an expectant look as he held them up. "Well. . . come here, baby." He finally beckoned, smiling a little.

The worry sort of washed away in that moment, as I crawled beneath the covers beside him. Wrapping his arm around me, I buried myself into his warm chest. Feeling Andy's warmth around me was honestly the best feeling in the world. He was like my safety blanket.

"Daddy?" I asked softly.

"Yes, baby?" He responded, his voice raspy, sending shivers down my spine.

"Wanna have some fun?"

He laughed softly, taking my hand in his and kissing it gently. "Though I hate having to say no, perhaps in the morning, baby. I'm too tired right now."

And I was tempted to tell him that he didn't have to do anything, but he had been working hard the past few days and probably needed his rest. "Alright, good night, Daddy." I whispered, quickly pecking his lips.

When I pulled back, Andy leaned in and returned my quick smooch with a deep kiss. Honestly, his kisses always made everything feel better again. "Good night." He finally whispered, before he completely went quiet.

Within just a few minutes, his breathing evened out, and I knew that he was asleep. I guess he really was that tired.

Andy definitely kept his word that next morning; and I had to admit that waking up to having his head between my legs was not unpleasant at all. "Good morning." He said, grinning up at me before he playfully bit the inside of my thigh.

He slowly moved upwards, like a tiger stalking its prey, until he had my legs wedged up over his shoulders and his face hovered just inches above mine. "It's time for Daddy to have some fun." He told me, his voice going low and husky.

Dear god, what a way to wake up.

After that was done and dusted, Andy filled up the bath for me and took a shower on his own. When he finished, he came to take me out and gently dry me off. There was something different about Andy that day. He seemed happy, but it was different. There was this unfamiliar sparkle in his eyes.

Once he had put a bathrobe around me, he turned away to brush his teeth. I watched him for a moment, until he signaled for me to come over, handing me his bottle of mouthwash.

"Don't swallow it, okay, baby?" He told me.

And I couldn't fight the small grin that was tugging at the corner of my lips. "Never heard you say that before, Daddy."

He spat out his toothpaste, presumably from shock. Turning towards me, for a moment he stared at me with wide eyes, but eventually he narrowed them instead. "Someone's being a dirty mouth." He scolded, not being able to hold back his own laughter as he nudged me playfully in the shoulder.

Was it odd that it was not how I expected him to react, like, at all? I didn't mind his lighthearted, playful reaction. But it wasn't what I was used to from him. Normally he was always so. . . intense?

"Don't you have to work today?" I eventually questioned, only then realizing that normally speaking Andy would be long gone, on his way to the office by now.

He washed his mouth and wiped it down before smiling at me. "Not today." He simply replied. "Today is lazy day." He then added, picking me up without warning and throwing me over his shoulder.

I squealed loudly, not expecting at all that he was going to do that. We left the bathroom, Andy humming a song and rhythmically patting my butt as he made his way down the stairs.

Giggling all the way there, I really wondered what was up with him. I mean, I surely didn't dislike the way he was being, but where did it come from?

Once in the kitchen, Andy placed me on a stool and poured me a glass of milk before he made some coffee for himself.

"Don't stare at me like that." Andy then suddenly said, pulling me from my confused daze.

"Like- like what?" I questioned innocently, trying to shrug it off.

He glanced at me over his shoulder, a smirk playing at his perfect lips. "Like I just escaped from prison." He pointed out to me, chuckling as he finally turned around and folded his arms across his chest. "Tell me what's on your mind, baby."

Should I ask him what was going on? Or was I just being paranoid about him acting so differently?

I didn't even get the chance to say anything, though. Andy's phone rang, and of course he went to answer it, his jaw tightening as he looked at the screen.

"This is a bad time." He immediately spoke, his tone firm. "And I will, just not today. . ." His former joyful mood seemed to change into a stressed one in mere seconds. "Yes, you are right, as you always are. And I will, soon. Really. . ." What in the world were they talking about? "Bye, Miss Quinn." And who was Miss Quinn?

I put my glass down and frowned questioningly at Andy as he ran his hands through his hair. "Daddy, who was that?" I wanted to know.

His head shot up, as if he had momentarily forgotten that I was there. He cleared his throat, a single corner of his mouth tugging as an attempt to smile. "No one." He simply told me.

But he sure didn't make it look like it was no one.

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