Chapter 3

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Yo I finished KOTET with my sith marauder, and let me tell you, it was a good playthrough.

I don't own Star Wars Rebels

    Ezra was watching Sabine as she was cleaning her pistols. The movements of her hands were soft and precise, and they enthralled Ezra. Sabine was aware that Ezra was watching her but didn't know what to make of it. So she simply kept cleaning her weapons and ignored Ezra, while secretly she was actually watching him out of the corner of her eye. Sabine was still pissed off at the Inquisitor that had kissed her beloved Ezra.

I mean why would she do that? He's mine! She can't have him!

Sabine had to remind herself that she hadn't even so much as shown her affections for him. As far as he knew, Sabine thought of him as a younger brother. Which sucked, because Ezra was beginning to think that maybe Sabine didn't like him at all.

Ezra was brought out of his thoughts when Sabine's angry emotions hit him. He couldn't understand why she was giving off these emotions.

Maybe it's because all you're doing is sitting here and watching her.

Ezra winced slightly at the voice in his head. It was true. That's really all he was doing.

Maybe I should go... not bother her with my presence right now.

Ezra quietly sighed and left the room with a forlorn expression on his face.


Sabine looked up from her guns and noticed Ezra sigh, and leave. He had a sad expression on his face, and Sabine wondered what had put it there.

Whatever's making my Ezra sad will have a nice chat with me.

Sabine finished cleaning her pistols, and walked to the cockpit. She turned on the long range scanners, doing her routine check to see if anybody's following them. She didn't expect anything to pop up on the scanner, as usual, so at first she didn't notice the faint dot at the corner of the screen. Then, Sabine did a double take and saw the dot.

Sabine activated the ship-wide intercom.

"Specter 5 to Ghost, we've got a ship on our tail!"

Sabine waited a moment before Hera ran up to the pilot's seat, with everyone else following suit. Sabine noticed that Ezra was standing further away from her than he normally would. She wondered what had caused this, but was brought back to attention when the Ghost was fired upon.

Hera yelled to everyone, "Get to battlestations!"

Kanan headed to his turret, Sabine headed to her turret, Zeb manned the aft gun, while Chopper and Ezra stayed up front with Hera. The hostile ship flew past the Ghost's cockpit, and spun around to face them. It was an imperial Gozanti-class cruiser, and it was charging its forward cannons.

"Ezra raise shields, prepare for evasive maneuvers!" Hera yelled as she banked the ship left to avoid the incoming fire. The ship fired again, and Hera narrowly dodged the laserfire a second time. However the quick movements put too much pressure on the engines, and the ship stalled. Hera panicked, and yelled for everybody to brace themselves.

They didn't have to though, as the Imperial cruiser flew closer to them in order to dock. Everyone took up positions, while Hera ran to the back room to repair the engine. The ship docked, and everyone was silent, waiting for the door to open. Kanan stepped up igniting his lightsaber, and was quickly followed by Ezra. The door slid open, showing only darkness.

Suddenly, a hand flew out and struck Kanan with a blast of the force. Then, the same hand ignited a red lightsaber which illuminated the sinister figure of the Seventh Sister. She stepped into the bay of the ship, and immediately began deflecting blaster bolts being showered on her from Sabine. Ezra charged forward, blue blade raised, and swiped down on the sith. She blocked, and counter attacked. Ezra was prepared however as he ducked and struck her with the hilt of his weapon. She stood up and struck him again. Ezra blocked, but she kept pressing into his lightsaber with hers.

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