Chapter 8

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God damn writer's block sucks


I don't own Star Wars Rebels

The resounding success of the newly dubbed Starbird Squadron kept everyone in high spirits. After all, the three of them had been stuck at a Sith training facility for a year. It was about time they had struck back at the Imperials. People were still talking about it, the topic was being covered over every major galactic news channel. If Ezra wasn't more focused on what to do next, he would've stopped and marveled at how quickly their little stunt had spread around.

But instead, Ezra was more focused on what to do next. Or more to the point, where they should strike next.

Tariss walked into the common room hand in hand with Aloysius, something that had developed recently and finally got Ezra to relax about her advances toward him. They sat down around the table that Ezra was situated at. Aloysius spoke first.

"What's the plan for today?"

Ezra pondered for a little longer, until he thought of something that would help them out quite a bit.

"We need a home base. We can't operate as a small cell on some planet, that didn't work out very well for my last crew. We need something big that we can call home, something that moves preferably."

Tariss looked questioningly at Ezra, as did Aloysius.

Ezra looked both of them in the eyes.

"We need to steal a Star Destroyer."

Aloysius' eyes widened, as did Tariss'.

"Ezra have you gone completely insane? We can't just steal a Star Destroyer!"

Ezra chuckled and simply replied, "Why not?"

This gave the couple pause, until they both simply looked up at him and said,

"Alright then. How are we going to do it?"

Ezra laid out the plan for them. They both were still shocked at the fact that they were going to steal a Star Destroyer, but soon the plan began to make sense. Tariss and Aloysius would sneak into an orbiting Destroyer above Lothal and take over the controls, while Ezra would make huge distractions from the ground to keep the two from getting caught.

In a little over an hour, everyone was in their positions. Tariss and Aloysius were sneaking around on the Star Destroyer up above, and Ezra was making his way to an Imperial AA gun. Once he had successfully evaded security, Ezra climbed into the seat of the AA gun. He began to switch things on, and power parts of it up. The giant Anti Aircraft gun began to hum. Ezra was just about ready to create some chaos, when he realized one thing.

"I need some music if i'm gonna have a blast doing this."

So, Ezra loaded up his playlist full of the loudest, angriest, noisiest songs that he had.

Tariss sent Ezra the signal through their comm channel, and Ezra knew that the time was now.


It was a normal day for Sabine and Zeb. Hera needed to do repairs on the ship back on Chopper base, so she sent the Mandalorian and the Lasat to go get supplies. They went to Lothal, which was hilarious because they were just there a little bit ago. Anyway, Sabine was busy checking out the final items that she and Zeb had bought, when she began to faintly hear music playing.

"Hey Zeb, do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Zeb replied nonchalantly.

"The music" Sabine told him.

"... faintly" Zeb said to Sabine.

All of a sudden the music became very loud. Not to mention someone was firing off a gigantic AA cannon at pretty much everything Imperial. The pulsating music seemed to match in tempo with the AA blasts. Sabine was awed. Zeb was annoyed because he didn't have ear plugs.

Sabine told Zeb that they had to find who was causing the music.


Ezra was having a blast. Literally! All he had to do was shoot this gigantic laser cannon of death at all the Imperials, and his favorite songs were playing!


Ezra caught site of a large Imperial walker heading towards him, with many stormtroopers swarming protectively around it.

Ezra snorted

They aren't going to do much

He swiveled the cannon around to face the walker, and BOOM, it was a smoldering wreck.

God I love this thing, I should get one of my own.

Ezra received a call from Tariss.

"Ezra we got-... what the fuck is that? Are you blasting music?!"

Ezra laughed heartily.

"Hell yeah! I'm also shooting up a bunch of bucketheads, but whatever!"

Tariss sighed over the comm channel.

"Anyway, we got the destroyer. Leave in your ship and meet up with us, we'll send you the coordinates once we find a secure place."

Ezra acknowledged and cut the comms. He set the cannon to auto fire at the main road the Imps had been coming from, and jumped out. Ezra made his way to the ship, and was climbing in, but saw saw a familiar mandalorian in brightly painted armor in very close proximity to the cannon.


Ezra panicked. He didn't know what to do. There was no way that he could make it back to the AA gun before it blew.

Wait! I got it!

Ezra set his comm to the channel that Sabine would be using, and quickly adjusted his voice.

"You need to get away from the AA cannon, it's rigged to blow!"

Ezra could see both Sabine and Zeb jerk their heads, startled.

"How did you get on this comm channel?!" Sabine yelled questioningly.

Ezra had to take a moment to soak in Sabine's voice.

God I miss her so much

"That doesn't matter! You need to get away from the gun! If it blows, you will die!"

Ezra could see Sabine look uncertain, until finally she and Zeb pulled back. Ezra breathed a sigh of relief. He got back in his ship, and took off as the AA gun exploded.


Sabine and Zeb had retreated from the cannon, heeding the strangers warning. Sabine watched as the cannon went up in flames. She was a little sad, because she had wanted to meet who had blasted the music. Music was a very good way of expressing yourself, and Sabine had detected hidden messages within the music that had been playing. Messages of pain, sorrow, and longing. She wanted to know who had set the distraction up, and what the problem was. But it seemed that now she couldn't. Or at least, that's what Sabine had thought until she caught site of a black starship fly off from the planet, originating from a very close position to where the cannon had been.

Maybe we will meet.

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