(City Of Glass) Chapter Sixteen: Big Brother

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Skylar and Clary were at The Institute after visiting their mother. The girls still had some tension between each other, Jace stood in front of his sisters with his arms crossed it had been a few minutes of going back and forth. "Neither of you are going." Jace said once again. "And you Skye have a long history of disobeying me. If I have to tie you up and sit on you until this insane whim of yours passes, you are not going to Idris."

"Ridiculous, I am not a dog. Plus last time I checked I am only 10 minutes younger." Skylar pointed out and put her hands on her hips.

"Good to know, like I said you two will remain in New York."

"Jace, don't you think this is there decision?" Maryse said, Jace shook his head and sighed.

"Not at all, they don't understand my need to protect them."

"You're right enlighten us." Skylar said and frowned.

"As a big brother I want to protect you both which means you two are staying here."

"By the angel." Skylar mumbled,Clary sighed.

"I want to meet the Clave." The red head said hoping to get through to Jace.

"You're not ready." Jace made it clear that neither of his sisters would join him in Idris, Maryse sighed and sat down. Skylar and Clary both left with a disappointed look on there face, the blonde led her little sister into the training room where Alec trained. She needed to vent, then rather going to Isabelle who was once again attempting to make everyone lunch.

"Uh-oh you have that look in your eyes." Alec said pointing at Skylar, she crossed her arms and walked over picking up a Bo staff. "What happened?" He asked, she tossed Clary the Bo staff and grabbed her own.

"Jace is treating us like children and since he thinks Clary is unable to defend herself properly. I am speeding up the training process."

"And tell me how on earth do you plan to accomplish that?" Alec asked, he glanced at Clary who looked nervous. She had seen her sister being able to fight viciously, she has witness a few of Skylar's sessions with Jace and saw how brutal they were with one another.

"Give me a day, she'll know more than Jace when he started out."

"He learned from your father."

"As did I, I picked up a few things quicker than others. Like using a sword, that was my specialty. Let's see what's Clary specialty."

"Just do me a favor, as much as I dislike her I rather not fill in reports about how you accidently killed your sister." Skylar rolled her eyes and smiled.

"I won't push her."

"This actual sounds fun." Clary said and looked at the Bo staff in her hands.

"She's worse than Jace." Alec pointed out and slowly started to walk out the training room with a smile on his face."Way worse!" He shouted an ran off before Skylar could say anything.

"Ignore him, I am not that bad." Skylar said and twirled the Bo staff in her hand.


After hearing the others had left to Idris without Skylar and Clary, they had asked Magnus to help them by begging. The warlock gave in and opened a portal to Idris, Skylar swam out of Lake Lyn coughing up water. She glanced back and saw Luke had helped Clary, she stood up and left them immediately.

"Skylnn, please be careful you've swallowed some of Lake Lyn's water." Seraphina said, the necklace let out a pulse and it glowed brightly.

"I will be fine." Skylar said, she needed to get to the city and to find the Penhallow's house.

"Make a portal."


"Make a portal, I will use your bond with Isabelle to get you where you need to be."

"How is that possible?" Skylar reached into her pocket and sighed, she felt sick and dizzy. She forced herself to keep going, Skylar opened a portal with her own runes and gulped. "D-Do I just go?"

"Yes." Skylar walked through the portal and braced herself for a landing. But before she had a chance to open her eyes and see where she was, Skylar fainted hoping she made it.


"How did she get here? No wait why the hell are you two here?!" Jace asked Clary, they stood in a room where Skylar laid on the bed recovering after Lake Lyn.

"You tricked us Jace, we wanted to go and you lied to us." Clary said, Jace ran his ringers through his hair feeling frustrated as the others walked inside. Skylar woke up and sat up slowly, she rubbed her eyes and sighed.

"She's right." Skylar said "You should have never done that Jace, if Clary and I want to come we should be able too."

"The Clave isn't right this time." Jace said

"I think it's their choice." Sebastian spoke up, Jace glared at this guy and sighed.

"You don't understand, you're not a big brother." Sebastian froze, Skylar stared at his facial features. He looked somewhat familiar, Sebastian's black eyes shifted from Jace to Skylar, he smiled sweetly.

"Sebastian Verlac."

"Skylar Morgenstern." She said, Jace cleared his throat not liking the way they stared at each other.

"Jace, next time let them come maybe this wouldn't have happened." Isabelle said

"Why is everyone coming after me? I am trying to protect them!" Jace stormed off and left the room fuming.

"Great, he's never going to forget this." Alec mumbled under his breath and chased his parabatai, Skylar slid off the bed and sighed.

"As much as he may hate me, I am going to check on my best friend." Skylar said to Clary, she walked around the red head and left as well.

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