In the begining

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The autumn leaves dance and twirl, like a ballerina doing the black swan, in the pale moonlight, ever so carefully getting closer to the soft-looking ground, outside of the alter for where a bride and groom were to be wed.

The glistening moon beamed over the water, beside the altar, making it twinkle like the stars in the night sky. The night has just began. The groom, Ban, waited patiently for his darling bride, as she proceeds up to the alter, in her long soft-to-the-touch dress, surrounding her delicate body. All eyes, but Bans, was on her, gasped to how beautiful the, porcelain skinned, lady were.

Slowly, she arrived at the altar, where she was adjacent with Ban, slightly blushing at the sight of the handsome red eyed man. With a smile on her face, she gazed into Bans mesmerizing, crimson red eyes, he looked back into her melodious blue eyes, but as the time grows, so does the pain of the sharp poisonous guilt that is stabbing in her stomach and a second blade in her black dark thing she calls a heart, knowing if Ban- or anyone else for that matter, found out the truth, it would crush them all as it is her responsibility to put her part in to stop the dark, bloody was between their clans. Looking into his eyes only made matters worse. She wanted to cry, burst into tears. But no, she stood there, strong and yet so weak at the same time. With a fake, but sweet and tender smile, Sebastian carried on reading the vows to the marriage, happy for his master to marrying such a beautiful woman an that the pointless war was over... Or so he thought.

The thought of what she had done keeps lingering in her mind, making her feel terrible, it keeps reminding her on what she done, how much of a bad Vampire she really is, how it could destroy, not just him, but the whole of both clans as the Lycan's will be full of rage with what the Vampire princess has done. Sirius knew with what she had done would lead her to her fate... her death

As Sebastian was nere on finishes on reading the vows, Ban stood there, back straight standing tall, high and mighty. Dressed in a dark, red cherry suit, with the first four buttons of his pure white shirt undone, slightly revealing his cumbersome chest. As the dark voice of the demon echoes throughout the hall, Ban notices a tear in Sirius's eye, seeing this tear he realized that the dark angel in white was crying, he smiles with bliss. The poison grows thicker. Sebastian began to finish the vows as the ring bearer handed Ban the ring he is needed to place upon the hand of the darling bride, Sirius. Sweat creeps down Sirius's snow white, silk face. Still smiling; still faking.

The sound of the demonic voice echo's thought out the hall once again "Do you, Ban Malum Inse, swear to protect, love and cherish and take Sirius Domini as your lawfully wedded wife to stop the loss of your loyal men and women on the front of the battlefield?" Sirius begins to shake unevenly. Without hesitation, Ban replies
"I do." The words Ban says echoes throughout Siruis's mind, making her shake nervously. The joyful eyes of the room once again drift to her and her possibly to be husband, as Ban places the elegant, golden ring onto her slim, silky white fingers. her mind goes blank as sweat sneaks down her face, she just stands there petrified of the words she is doomed to say; I do or I do not. She had to choose quickly to either stay with the tall man in red to stop the waror to dwindle away with the love of her life, the choice slowly creeps upon her.

The demon echo's "Do you, Sirius Domini, swear to care and nurture Ban Malum and to stop the loss of your loyal men and women on the front of the battlefield, and to take him as your lawfully wedded husband?" The woman of silk took a deep breath as she started to reply.
"I..." She pauses "I d-" before the vampire can reply she is saved by the tears of dred and sadness of a single woman "I OBJECT!" It repeats as all the beady eyes of the room trace the source to a single woman standing beside Sirius.
"Rozaline?... Its you?..." Ban mutters confused. Rozaline, Bans sister, has her hands on her face, weeping the words "I'm sorry brother" as she hides away the tears, hiding away her pain.

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