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  "Aph, I don't think that's the best idea," I said and looked down at her.

  "Shh! Just do what I do," she whispered. 

  We turned and faced the window of Lawrence and Garoth's house. Inside was their Christmas tree that was supposed to be taken down three months ago, and a dark brown couch in a cozily lit room. Ever since Zane moved out, things had seemed to get different between the two. I turned and faced Aphmau. "Ready?"

  Her dark brown eyes sparkled in the light emerging from the window. "No," she said bluntly. "What-what if we die?

  My stomach twisted. I couldn't die, I hadn't told her about my immortality. So, in reply, I bent down and kissed that adorable little potato on her head. She looked up at me and smiled. "I knew you'd do that," she said with her eyes. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist. The NekoAtsume shirt I gave to her for Christmas was soft under my fingertips.

  "Whatever happens in there, I still love you," I whispered against her soft lips.

  "I know," she whispered back. She sighed and pulled away. She nodded.

  I pulled my gun from my back pocket and rested my finger on the trigger. She threw a stone at the window. As soon as all of the glass clattered to the ground, Garoth appeared in the living room, and I was taken aback to see that he was holding the same gun as me.

  Aphmau climbed through the window and threw another stone at Garoth.  Suddenly and unexpectedly, a green light flashed in front of him, and Aphmau was flung to the ground. I pressed my finger on the trigger and a loud pop broke the air.

  Once I was able to see what was happening, the scene was terrifying. Aphmau lay on the ground, squeezing her side. She groaned.

  I threw my self through the window and dropped to my knees beside her head. "Aph? Aph, talk to me!"

  I received a groan in reply.

  At least she's alive, I had to remind myself.

  "You know now."

  I turned my head and saw a large figure with black smoke filling the air around him. It had blonde hair, and it still had feet with red sneakers on them. The only other thing that was human like on the dark figure was the eyes. They were not normal eyes, no. They were only two white glowing dots at the top of the figure, and the only human trait about them was the shape of them. Fear showered over me. It was exactly what Aph and I guessed.

  I stood and faced the figure. 

  "Garoth, you don't have to do this!" I shouted the rehearsed sentence above all of the noise that this figure made. It was a hum, a buzz, and a howl all at the same time, which caused me to become slightly dizzy.

  "What else am I supposed to do? I was left alone in an endless dark pit for eight years! Ever since Aphmau chose you, I have been gaining power and wisdom and strength, and I am no longer able to contain it! I will fulfill the prophecy. I will bring pride to Father! This is what I look like on the inside!" Garoth snapped, his voice more frightening than his figure. It was a howl mixed with a scowl, and any mortal being would not be able to withstand it. The smoke grew larger and filled more space.

  Aphmau screamed and shouted my name right before my lower was shot by a firework. At least that was what it felt like. I yelled and fell onto my knees. The corners of my eyes filled with darkness as Laurence walked around me and faced me. He held a bloody knife in his hand. He snickered as the black smoke engulfed him, makin him a part of the dark figure.

  It vanished and the air was silent. My ears still rung from the loud sound, and my back was on fire with pain.

  I fell forward onto my hands and breathed. I hadn't realized that I was holding it in.

  Behind me, Aphmau gasped. I felt her hand on my back.

  "Oh my gosh. Aaron? A-Aaron, are you alright?" She whispered, her voice shaky and raspy.

  She needed to know that I can't die. I turned my head and looked into her sad eyes. "I need to tell you something, and you cannot freak out. Please."

  "Anything, I don't-" she stopped talking and stared at my lower back where the pain was coming from. "Umm, there is a giant hoe in your back but why isn't there um, any blood?"

  I told her everything. I told her about my father, Kratos,  and how he didn't know that I exist. I told her that I was a mistake. I told her that I wish I'd never been born at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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