Chaper 2

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I pull in to the police station and park my car. What just happened? I get out and walk into the police station. I follow the officers into a cozy looking room with a couch and coffee brewing. "Take a seat Miss-" "Irene Gutowna" I tell him. I take a seat and he hands me a cup of coffee, some creamer, and sugar packets. "So, did you see what happened to Kylie?" I don't know what to tell him, I can't tell him I looked into the future and saw it happen. "No, Sir. I had arrived to meet up with her at the Grill and she was lying on the ground." That was true, I just left out the part of why I had arrived so fast. "Okay well thank you Miss Gutowna, is there anything else you wish to tell me?" he looks at me as if he knows I'm not telling the total truth. "No sir," I look down at my aqua paint chipped nails and wait to be released home. I was tired and had a long day. "Okay you may go home now," I look up and he leads me to the door. I go to my car and drive home. All I wanted to do was sleep, I was so tired but I needed to look a few things up on the internet first. I grab my laptop and sit on my bed. I google seeing into the future. All that comes up is a bunch of fiction books and movies and nothing that can help me. I google a few other things but nothing good comes up. I slam my computer shut. I'm so frustrated! What is happening to me? How do I know when I will see into the future again? I put my laptop away and crawl into my warm cozy blankets. I try and think of any stories I've heard about people seeing into the future. I do remember this one story my dad told me about....

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