Imported Love

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JackieChanIsMyHero came up with the title!!!

Prologue: Europe 1913

“America?” I asked. My father put his silver head into his calloused hands. I knew he was trying to hold back the tears, he was never the type of man to show much emotion. My mother stood from her chair, wincing as her chronic back pain stabbed at her. She wrapped her frail arms around my torso.

“I know it will be difficult for you to adjust darling, but you’ll make it, I promise.” She said.

“But why, I can be more of a help to you to here. I can work in the shop and—“

“There’s a man in America who has paid your father a lot of money to—“

“You sold me.” I gasped. I hands began to tremble and my knees buckled beneath me. I collapsed onto the ground and into my mother’s lap. Many of my friends had been sold by their fathers. Each one now had five children to men they hated and who abused them.

“Erica, please listen to me. I tried so hard to avoid this, but—We need the money.” My father begged.

“I’ll do anything, father, anything, but please don’t sell me to those monsters.” I cried. My mother held me as sobs ripped through my body. My younger siblings gathered around us, staring at the spectacle.

My father fell onto his knees beside me and pulled me into his arms. When I was younger I used to love to be held by him. I would cry for hours until he would wrap his big arms around me and make the world go away. Now I wished to be that little girl again.

“I would never sell you to them, Erica. American men are desperate for wives right now darling. A very rich man wants to marry you. It would not only be a great opportunity for you, but for our family too. You’re mother won’t have to work anymore and I can quit one of my jobs.” My father’s big brown eyes were filled with tears and I could tell that this decision was killing him.

“Your ship will be leaving tomorrow morning, I’ll help you pack your things darling.” Mother whispered. She stood up and pulled me to my feet, nearly toppling off her own in the process. I buried my face in her shoulder and continued to cry as she led me back into my bedroom.

“It’s not as awful as you think, Erica. Being married is a wonderful thing,” Mother whispered as she opened my carpet bag. I collapsed onto my bed in a pool of cotton skirts.

“I’m too young to be married,” I whimpered.

“I was three years younger than you when I was married to your father.” Mother chided.

“But you were in love, I don’t even know this man! I don’t want my first experience with a man to be with someone I do not love.” I wailed. Mother threw the house coat she had in her hands into the bag with a force unfamiliar to my mother. She turned to me and I cringed away, afraid she would slap me.

“Don’t you understand Erica? Your father and I can no longer support this family. We are going to die if you don’t do this for us. Do you want to see your family die? Is that what you want Erica?” Mother screamed. She rarely ever raised her voice to me and the loudness forced me to burst into tears again.

Mother sat down beside me and gently took my hand. Her fingers were twisted with age and three times smaller than mine. She gently stroked my silky black hair and traced the line of my jaw.

“He’s a very lucky man. You’re a very beautiful girl, and it’s good that you’re leaving. This country life would destroy your beauty.” She sighed.

“Do you think he’s a handsome man Mother? Do you think he’ll be my age?” I asked.

“Maybe darling, maybe. But no matter what he looks like I know that he will love you, and you will grow to love him.”

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