Chapter Seven

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I wanted Ethan in my room, sleeping in my bed, holding me all night long.

I awoke on my own the next morning. The curtains were drawn shut and little light seeped through. I frowned and looked around the room, but there was no trace of Franny or Lily. Shrugging to myself, I climbed out of bed and quickly got myself dressed. I left my room and made my way downstairs. As I passed Ethan’s bedroom door I noticed that it was cracked open. I slowed down and peeked inside.

Ethan stood in the middle of his room in black pants and nothing else. I jumped away from the door, hurrying down the hall, not giving myself time to think about the beautiful golden body I’d just seen.

“Lily,” I called, entering the dining room.

“In the kitchen,” Lily answered as I stepped into the kitchen. She turned around and smiled at me, meek and tentative.

“Do you need help?” I asked.

“Of course not, this is my job remember?” Lily laughed. She fell back into an awkward silence.

“Is something the matter?” I questioned. I sat down in wicker chair in the corner, expecting Lily to spill her heart out about something silly, but instead she turned to me with a sorrowful glaze over hear eyes.

“I saw you leaving Abel’s room last night,” she whispered.

“It’s not what you think Lily,” I breathed.

“Then please tell me what it was, because you can’t blame me for assuming.” Lily nearly shouted. She closed her eyes and threw her hands over her face. Her shoulders shook with tiny sobs.

“Don’t cry, Lily.” I begged, jumping up from my chair. I moved to hug her, but she stepped away, shaking her head.

“I know it isn’t my place Miss York, but you have to tell me what happened. I can’t—“ Lily broke down in a fit of sobs, collapsing to her knees.

“I had to make sure Ethan stayed!” I screamed. I clapped my hands over my mouth. Lily looked up at me and wiped her eyes. I took a deep breath and began telling her what had happened.

“I couldn’t let him send Ethan away, so I went to his room to try and convince him to let him stay. But he wouldn’t listen to me so I— it doesn’t matter what I did, but please know what you think happened didn’t happen.” The words jumbled together as I shouted them at Lily, hoping she’d believe me.

“Erica, look at me.” Lily cried. “I could get fired for talking to you like that, in fact I should get fired! I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” I sighed. I sat down beside Lily and put my arm around her shoulder. “I understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I found out about Adler.”

“I know it isn’t my place to say this Erica, and I’m not just saying it because of my history with Abel, but Ethan seems to care deeply for you. And his reasons, unlike Abel’s seem pure in nature.”

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