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angie likes to write.
angie likes to write poems.
cute poems.
sometimes sad ones.

angie had a boyfriend.
his name was thomas.
thomas was a sad boy.
but she loved him anyways.
she wanted to help him.

but she couldn't.
angie couldn't save thomas.
thomas was too sad.
too sad to be helped.
she wish she saved him.

angie cried.
she cried for nights.
nights and nights.
she faked a smile.
but everyone knew.
she was sad.

angie likes to write.
angie likes to write letters.
letters to thomas.
even though he couldn't see them.
she liked to write.
and mail them.

thomas' mother would receive them.
she would just set them in his room.
on the desk.
his desk was stacked with letters.
letters from angie.
sad ones.
happy ones.
and bad ones.

letters to thomasWhere stories live. Discover now