Chapter 1

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I don't remember much of when I was a young child or anything about my real parents. I just remembered going from one house to the next while in the system, but who would care about a young girl who just wanted to be loved. 

Ha Ha you guys thought that this would be a love story didn't you? Or a story with people with magical abilities that always no matter what manage to get out of sticky situations and save the day. I'm sorry to say that that this is no such story. Sure I fell in love but that will come later.

I don't remember much of my childhood, so I won't bore you with all the details. Instead I will start my story on  a nice sunny day that was misplaced for the sadness that was to come. I remember it well. I was playing in a building with my little brother and my cousins. 

I could hear my aunt and uncle crying in the background and looked up to see the distress in there eyes. I wondered what was going on but if there was anything I learned while I was with them it was not to put my nose where it didn't belong. Not unless I wanted a beating for it. I just ignored them and smiled as my little brother Sammy came running up to me saying that he wanted to play house. That was one of our favorite games. 

There was a play kitchen with fake food and plates and everything. About halfway through our game the social worker that was assigned to me after I turned 7 came up to me with the foster family I was with followed them. I could still hear my aunt and uncle in the background calling for their children and my brother. I was going to follow them like I always did so that I could hug them good bye for the week. However, I was stopped by the social worker kneeling in front of me. 

"Anna sweet heart I'm sorry to say this will be your last visit with your family. You will have a while to say your goodbye's and then you will have to go back with your foster family." She said in the most sickeningly sweet ever. I couldn't believe my ears though. What did she mean the very last time. 

I could hear my little brother start crying from wherever he was in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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