Chapter One

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Dani's POV

            I was asleep when my brother came barging in my room at 5 in the morning. I pretended to be asleep, but he kept shaking me and yelling to wake up. The way he was yelling sounded like it was an emergency, but if I know my brother its probably some dumb reason, but he was persistent and annoying.

"What?!" I yelled, covering my face with my blanket.

"You need to see what's on TV," he said pulling the blanket away from my face. His eyes looked worried, but this could've been another one of his tricks just to get me put of bed before noon.

"Are you kidding me? You woke me up at 5am and actually expected me to get out of bed just to watch TV with you?" I groaned.

"No I want you to see what's on the news, Dani," he said. He looked worried again, but this isn't the first time he's played a prank on me like this before.

I reluctantly got out of bed and followed him downstairs. Before I hit the living room I could hear people yelling on the TV. It was total chaos, people were yelling and running around in the streets. They were stealing, trampling each other, shooting each other in the head for what seemed like no reason at all. I was in shock by what I was seeing. Before I could say anything someone who looked ill came up behind him and bit him on the neck. More "sick" people gathered around him, but they weren't helping him, they were..... eating him?!

I was staring at the TV in shock when my brother grabbed my arm and started dragging me back up the stairs. "Go pack. Don't pack too much, we need to travel light," he said.

"Where are we going?" I asked, "It's madness out there, we will never make it anywhere."

"We have to find mom and dad Dani. I know you're not their biggest fan after what they did, but they are family and we need to make sure they are ok. And who knows maybe they are somewhere safe," He said as he pushed me towards my room. I told myself I'd never talk to them ever again, but he was right and maybe they are somewhere safe because was not safe at all.

            I didn't pack very much of my personal items at all, just a few clothes and hygienic items, most of the stuff in my backpack was non-perishable food so we'd have something to eat.

When my brother was done he grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door. 

            It was a long trip from California to Maryland, but it was the only way to know if our parents were safe, that is if they were even alive at all, but I knew my  brother would stop at nothing to find the answers. Honestly, I was still in shock and had no idea what was happening, but my brother seemed to be calm now that we were on the road. I tried to wrap my head around everything that was happening. People who seemed to be very sick were chasing healthy people and if they caught them they would rip them apart with their bare hands and eat them. What was turning people into cannibals? Why were people shooting them in the head instead of trying to help them? Why was my brother so focused on getting to Maryland where our parents are so quickly? I had so many questions and no one who could really answer them. My brother knew just about as much as I did and if he knew more he wasn't telling me. He was quiet the whole time, at least until we ran out of gas.

"Damn it," he said hitting his hands on the steering wheel out of frustration.

"What?" I asked as the car came to a stop.

"We are out of gas and I haven't seen a gas station in miles," he said, obviously irritated.

I just looked at him knowing we were going to have to walk to try to find a near by gas station.

"We are going to have to find another car," he finally said after a moment of silence.

"What? We can't just steal some one's car we can find a gas station, there has to be one close by," I said staring at him in shock.

"Dani look around you! The only people who are alive here are trying eat us!" He yelled at me.

I didn't say anything I just got out of the car, grabbed my bag and started walking. I knew he was behind me when I heard his footsteps getting closer.

"Dani," he said sounding frustrated, "you can't just walk off on your own like that."

I kept walking ignoring him. I just wanted to be by myself right now to process everything I saw on the TV.

"Dani!" He yelled getting annoyed with me. He ran up behind me and grabbed me by the arm stopping me from walking away again. "It's not safe. You cannot be out here by yourself."

"Why not?!" I yelled, "Look around you Negan, there is no one here. We haven't seen anyone in miles. Not even the people who are sick!"

"They aren't sick Dani!!" He screamed, raising his voice louder than he ever has with me. I mean he's yelled at me before, but never like this. It was almost as if he was scared and I've never seen Negan scared before.

"Then what are they!" I yelled back, my voice was a little shaky, but not because I was afraid of what they were, but because I could see true fear in his eyes when he looked at me.

"They are dead, Dani," he said sounding defeated, "It's been going on for about a month now. I've been keeping you sheltered from it. I thought it was the best way to keep you safe. I knew you were going to figure it out when you tried to go to Dylan's and I couldn't come up with a valid excuse as to why you weren't allowed to leave the house, so I just replayed the news broadcast from last month when it all started. Dani, I'm sorry." He looked down at his shoes in shame and only glanced at me for a second to see my facial expression.

"You lied to me," I spat, "about everything, about why we had to use the generator, about why you never wanted to go get food and when you did you were gone for hours at a time, about why we no longer had phone service and I couldn't contact my friends, everything was a lie." I looked at him in disbelief. "You sheltered be trying to protect me, but my friends could have been alive in the beginning and we could have saved them, but you were so selfish and couldn't just tell me the truth." I looked at him with hatred in my eyes. I don't hate him I just hate the way he treated me for so long. Not just this month, but my whole life he's treated me like a fragile child. Like I couldn't do anything for myself, like he had to do everything for me or might break like fine china falling on the floor.

He didn't say anything else to me and we continued walking. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said, they are dead, what did he mean dead. They were clearly alive. They were moving, walking, eating. They were alive, they just weren't living like us. They were eating other people. Most of them walked with a limp. No, they were alive, they are just sick and they need help to get better, but no one was going to help them, they were just going to continue killing them. I will never kill them. They are humans and deserve to live just as much as we do.

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