just like that, he was gone

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The world slowed down. It felt like everything around me had paused. The clocked stopped ticking. The machines stopped beeping. I could only hear the words that were about to leave Zayn’s soft lips.

I watched Zayn’s eyes twitch. His bulging Adam’s apple raised and fell like a tower drop. His eyebrows slowly settled just above his brown eyes. He was staring right through me. His eyes piercing me. Cutting a line through me wherever he looked. He ran his fingers through his hair letting his hand rest at the back of his neck as he looked down at the floor failing to let his eyes meet mine.

I waited. I waited for him to let me out of this dark thick cloud of misery, hoping his answer would be for the best. But I didn’t know what the best really was. I didn’t know what I wanted. I almost had no idea what I wanted to come out of his dry pursed lips. Do I want to be friends? Do I want more?

Moments later I found myself, too, staring at the end of my bed wondering what I really wanted. In fact I never really wanted anything. I never really wanted a scholarship. I never really wanted to move to London. I certainly never wanted to be here in a hospital tied down by wires and pipes. I never really wanted to fall in love.

I don’t know if you could call it love. It was certainly platonic sounding. I mean I see the people around me who have their lives sorted out and I just wish I had just a brief idea. Just a little clue to why I even existed. My family, my friends. They always get what they’ve wanted. No matter how they got there or how long it took them, they get their picture perfect ending.

Look at Tash, she’s smart and beautiful. Her gift in art has decked her with high honours and accreditation. Although she denies it, she has the most caring and loving man by her side. She really is my idea of perfect. I’d look up to her anytime.

And Ashleigh. Well she can bring the bright side to anything. Her smile lights up the room as soon as she walks in. She’s quirky, funny and loud at times but no one could wish for a better friend. Even she has her life sorted. She says she’ll finish college and run off with Harry and be his groupie girl. It might be fatalistic but she at the least knows where she’s going with life.

I looked at Zayn again. Could I spend my life with him? Could I spend my life without him? I was about to answer the question for myself before I heard the curtain separating me from another room being pulled revealing a tall man with thickly brimmed glasses.

“Goodmorning,” he said squinting at my details on my clipboard.

“ Mornin’,” I murmered back.

“Nurse is going to get the papers for your blood transfusion and hopefully we can operate in a couple of days. You’ll be out of here in a week, err.. Miss Beau is it?” he asked stuttering.

“Yes. Yes it is. Doctor?”


“How did this happen? How did I get this?”

“Well we’re juggling between two possible solutions.”

I heard Zayn inch in, dragging his chair across the tiles.

The doctor continued, “You could’ve eaten something that might’ve not been safe to eat or…”

“Or what?” Zayn commanded.

“Or you inhaled too much smoke and there’s a tear in your lungs,” the man revealed.

“A tear. Like a hole?” I asked.

“Possibly,” the doctor replied, his voice cracking towards the end.

“Why don’t you check her? Why don’t you figure out if there’s a tear or not?” Zayn began, questioning staring down the doctor.

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