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Skylar's Pov:

"Wake up skylar! Our plane leaves in 2 freaking hours!!" I heard someone screaming and pounding on my door. I sat up and reached over to my night stand to grab my glasses. I pushed my long, dark brown hair out of my face and got up to let my annoying brother in my room.

"Your kidding me right?" I asked looking up at my brother.

"Nope get dressed and get something to eat because we're leaving the house in half an hour!" He said happily.

"You know I love you Mark but i'm 19 and I do what I want!" I playfully yelled as he walked away.

I'm skylar. I'm 19 and a YouTuber. My older brother is Mark also known as Markiplier. He's way more popular than I am but doesn't brag about it. I live in a house with three guys. I'm extremely outnumbered obviously. Well unless you count Chica and Lucy but they're dogs. I live with Mark, Tyler, and Ethan. Ethan and I have gotten really close. He's one of my best friends.

I closed the door after Mark walked off and went to get dressed. I simply put on black leggings and one of my charity shirts. I pulled on my black high top converse and straightened my hair then grabbed my suitcase and headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw Mark dragging his suitcase over to the door, Tyler sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal and doing god knows what on his phone, and Ethan was no where to be seen. I too dragged my bag over to the door then went into the kitchen to get breakfast.

I decided on Honey Nut Cheerios. As I was putting the milk back in the fridge I heard the sound of a spoon hitting against the glass bowl I was using. I turned to see Ethan, mouth full of Cheerios, spoon in hand and a guilty yet cheesy grin on his face.

He always did this to me. It's so adorable when he tries to annoy me even though it never works. Honestly I've had the biggest crush on him for the longest time. I've lived with Mark ever since he moved to L.A. He asked me to live with him and I needed somewhere to stay. I don't know why he asked me considering I'm his younger sister, but I'm grateful.

Well when he asked Ethan and Tyler to move in with him, after asking me if I was okay with it, I got used to seeing them everyday. I became good friends with Ethan and later realized that I thought of him as more of a friend. Every time I try to tell him how I feel I panic and have to change the subject. I'll do it eventually and I flirt with him a lot, but he never seems to get the hint. Ugh why are guys so complicated?!

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Mark said referring to Ethan and I both starring at each other. I didn't realize that I was starring at him and by the confused look on Ethan's face he didn't either. Why was he starring at me? Do I have something in my face?

I started blushing like mad and Ethan smiled his cute half smile and hugged me allowing me to hide my face on his chest to avoid getting teased by Mark and Tyler. He knew me so well. "Umm skylar...you-uh- might want to-um- eat your cereal before it gets soggy..." Ethan said awkwardly which I found adorable.

"Yeah I-uh- guess so.." I said wishing that the moment would never end. We let go and I grabbed my cereal and walked out of the room. I plopped down in the couch next to Tyler.

"What the heck happened in there?" Tyler asked turning to me.

"I don't even know anymore. Ethan was starring at me. I was starring at him. At one point Mark said something. Then something happened and Ethan hugged me and now I'm here." It was all a daze I could hardly remember.

"Okay then.." Tyler said. "You know, you and Ethan would be a cute couple." He was grinning. It was odd because Tyler doesn't usually talk to me about Ethan unless it's about editing or something.

"Yeah. I guess, but he doesn't like me like that." A hint of disappointment in my voice.

"Do you like him?"

"Yeah I guess you could call it that." I looked at my lap. Tears forming in my eyes. I held them back because no way in heck am I crying in front of Tyler. When I was good I looked up at Tyler and he looked at me.

"You'd be surprised with Ethan." With that he got up and left the room. I assume he went to the kitchen, but I didn't look so I'm not for sure. What was that supposed to mean? Was he saying that Ethan liked me too? I don't know and right now is not the time to think about it.

I looked up at the clock, 3:23 in the morning. Why did Mark have to get the earliest plane possible? I put my bowl away then headed back over to the couch. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep shortly after sitting down, but I could be wrong.

Hey guys!! So new story. I'm not expecting this one to be as popular as the rest because CrankGamePlays isn't as popular as some of the other people I've written about sadly. But whatever. I love his YouTube channel and if you like Markiplier you might like him. I hope that even if you don't watch him you can still enjoy the story. Also all the chapters aren't going to be this long, they will probably be shorter. Thanks for reading! Comment, vote and follow! Thanks bye! :)

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