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Ethan's Pov:

I woke up with a sleeping Skylar in my arms. I looked at my phone after picking up my glasses and putting them on, so I could actually see my beautiful sleeping girlfriend. My phone was a few twitter notifications along with some Instagram ones. I checked the time: 8:17.

I also had a notification that's new.
Calendar: January 21-Skylar's birthday.

I smiled, 'today's Skylar's last day of being a teenager.' I thought. I got up and headed to the kitchen to make her some breakfast in bed. Hopefully she'd sleep long enough for me to cook.

I decided to make her pancakes with eggs and sausage. Her favorites. I'm not the best cook, but good enough for now.

After I had finished I was relieved to know that she was still sleeping. While I was making breakfast Mark came down and let me in on a little plan. "So today's my little sis's 20th birthday. So Amy, Tyler, Catherine and I were planning a surprise party for her. Your job is to keep her out of the house from 10 to 1 so we can set up."

"Okay I can do that easily!" I said.

"Awww is widdle Ethan making bweakfast for his girlfwiend...." Mark taunted once he saw what I was making.

"Shut up Mark!! I'm trying to do something nice for Sky!" I joked.

"I know dude. Which is why I approve of you two dating. It makes me happy to see her so happy. You really have helped her." Mark said.

"Thanks now I'm gonna bring this upstairs to her." I said gesturing to the food. He nodded and I headed upstairs.

"Skylar..." I said opening the door. She reached over and grabbed her glasses. Her eyes then widened and a smile spread across her face.

"Aww baaaabe!!" She said exaggerating the "a" in babe.

"Happy birthday Skylar!" I sat the food down in the bedside table.

"You didn't have to do this Ethan. Thank you!" She blushed. I leaned into kiss her.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. So I did. And sorry if it's not very good. I'm not the best chef around." I laughed and she did too. 'God she's adorable when she laughs' I thought.

"Mmm it's really good!!" She said after taking a bite. Now I blushed.

"So what time is your appointment?"

"10:15 so we have about an hour to get ready."

"How long should it be?"

"2 hours tops."

'2 hours would put us at 45-ish minutes.' I thought.

"While you finish i'm gonna go get changed. I'll be right back!" I cheerfully said as I left the room.

I quickly changed so I could get back to Sky.

I opened the door and saw her digging in her closet for something to wear. "I'm gonna take the dishes down stairs to get washed babe!" I shouted so she could hear me.

"Okay!" She shouted back.

I brought them downstairs and took this as an opportunity to tell Mark about the plan for her and I. "She said her appointment should last 2 hours tops. Which would put us at like 45 minutes to spare. I figured I could say like 'hey wanna go in a walk around the park since you don't have crutches anymore?' And hope she says yes. I think she will. If so then I'll keep her occupied until 1 then head home." I whispered to Mark.

"Sounds good. I got the dishes so you can get back to Skylar before she gets suspicious." Mark said.

"Thanks!" I hopped up the stairs taking them 2 at a time. I knocked on the door just incase she was changing. When I heard a 'come in' I opened the door and she was dressed and ready to go. She looked gorgeous as always and I made sure to let her know.

After saying goodbye to everyone and getting to the car I decided to ask, "after your appointment would you maybe like to go on a walk around the park. I mean since you won't have crutches anymore..?"

"Sure!!" She squealed. I turned on the radio and we sung our hearts out to everything that came on. She was just so much fun to be around.

"Skylar Fischbach." The nurse stated after we checked in. We walked back to the doctors office she was in.

After appointment is over

"I'm so happy I don't have crutches anymore!! Even though having a boot sucks I'd rather have this!!" She was so happy and it was rubbing off on me.

"So about that walk?" I asked.

"How could I refuse!!" We got out of the car and started making our way to the entrance.

I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. I then looked down at her, "I've been waiting for a long time to do that." I leaned down and kissed her. She smiled through the kiss which caused me to smile too.

We walked around the park and talked about so much. It was amazing to get to spend alone time with her while we're not filming. I love her. She's my life. She makes me a better person and I hate being away from her.

I glanced at my phone for the time:1:03. 'We can start heading home now' I mentally thought to myself. "Hey babe wanna start heading home?"


"Because I'm getting a little hungry and I figured we could eat with the guys." I just came up with that, but it seemed to do the trick.

"Good idea!!" We walked back over to the car and started our drive home. We continued chatting all the way home.

Once we got there I, being the gentleman that I am, walked around and opened her car door. "Hold on." I said.


"G just texted me." G is short for OGchan one of Ethan's friends. 'It was actually Mark but i couldn't tell her..' I thought.

Mark: "we're ready when you are. "

Ethan:"standing outside now. About to come in. I'll have her go first."

Mark: "sounds good!"

"Okay I'm ready." I said taking her hand.

"Okay!!" She quickly pecked my cheek which caused me to slightly blush.

I opened the door to allow her to go in first. They did a pretty good job at hiding. And the only light was the natural light from outside. She walked in and I closed the door behind us.


Hey guys!!! Another longer chapter. I really don't mean for this to happen but it just does. Lol. Thanks so much for 600+views!! That's a lot of people. Lol. So thanks so much for reading. Comment. Vote. Follow. Thanks again!! Bye!! :)

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