Story time

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Omg I have the best story to tell you guys My mom was about to go to work so she was getting ready and stuff but she saw a mouse in a bowl and freaked out then the mouse jumped out of the bowl and ran away Then she was in the bathroom and heard a scratchy noise and wanted to know what it was so she looked in a box(aka a glue trap but she didn't know that) and while she was looking into the box the mouse moved and she freaked out and dropped the box ad it fell in the toilet And my mom didn't know that the mouse was stuck in the box so she thought "that little fucker is using the box as a boat" She told me she thought that Then later she had one eyelash that went down instead of up And she tried like everything she could think of to to it to go down But nothing worked so she decided it would be a good idea to take FUCKING HAIRSPRAY and spray herself in the face with it to put down the eyelash And it obviously hurt like hell so once again started freaking out and screaming and shit And my dad asked what happened and when she told him he started laughing and ten my mom was mad because my dad was laughing at her it was hilarious

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