Summer vacation and a vampire part 2

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(Y/N)'s pov

The second I thought I was finally free to move around Moka came right up to me and gave me a really tight, suffocating hug and my face was back in cleavage again! "Moka that's not fair I was hugging her first,"kurumu yells. Mizore interjects by saying,"no kurumu  you were making her uncomfortable!" I decided to stop trying to escape from Moka. I think Yukari saw me stop struggling so she jumped on my back and leaned backwards making me tumble out of Mokas arms right into Yukari's lap. If I thought my face was red when I was being hugged by kurumu/Mizore/Moka. I'm sure my face was way more red now. Yukari wrapped her arms around my waist and I had a mental panic attack. Tsuki saw the face I make when I have my mental panic attacks seeing as i have them often. He quickly helped(aka pryed) me out of Yukari's lap/grip. He put one arm around my shoulders protectively. He looks down at me and says,"did you get what you need?" I shook my head no. He knew that I only needed my shampoo and stuff like that. So he walked by my side until we got to the aisle and I picked out my stuff but Mizore insisted that she pay for it. I tried to deny but she took my things from me and paid for them, then carries them out the door. I followed her and yelled her name but she didn't acknowledge me. I decided to run and jump on her back. What I didn't expect was that she was waiting for me to run up to her. So when I jumped on her back she instantly grabbed my my legs so I don't fall. She doesn't say a word and just keeps walking. Although I didn't say anything, I laid my head on her shoulders,still looking at her face, and although it's getting kinda dark out I can still see her face heat up. "Where are we going,"I asked. The only response I got was silence. I didn't say anything and instead just closed my eyes appreciating the silence. I'm not sure how long she walked with me on her back but when she finally stopped we were at my dorm. I was almost asleep when we arrived so she let us both in. She first went into the bathroom to put away my shampoo and things. Then she walked to my bed, she didn't even bother turning the lights on, she laid me down on my bed and turned to leave. Before she could get very far I grabbed her wrist gently.  She turned to me surprised and looked at me with a questioning look. I mumbled half-asleep," please Mizore." She looked reluctant but complied anyway crawling over me and laying with her back to the wall. I pulled the covers over us and laid back down. My sleepy brain wasn't thinking properly and I scooted back until my back pressed against her chest. Although I didn't expect her to let me do this and was even more surprised when she wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled into my neck. I didn't mind because I always get to hot while I'm sleeping and wake up in the middle of the night to turn ac up. So with her being an ice woman it kept me quite cool while I was sleeping.

~~time skip~~

I woke up with something around my waist and glanced behind me. To my surprise it was Mizore. Then I remember how nice she was being yesterday. So I just snuggled back into her chest. Completely unaware of the other people in the room. Right when I was about to drift back to sleep someone cleared their throat and my eyes shot open. I looked around the room and saw Kurumu and Tsuki standing in the middle of my dorm. I was careful when I got up not to wake Mizore. "Uh...hi?"I said sheepishly. Kurumu looked disappointed at me and said,"hi? Really (Y/N) that's all you have to say to us after you ditched us. Then we come to see if you made it home okay and you're in here sleeping with Mizore in your bed!?!" I got up and started coffee,"well after I chased after Mizore to get my stuff se was ignoring me so I jumped on her back and she carries me home. And then I...I didn't want...her to I...uh...I asked her to...stay with me." Tsukune looked at me in shock and to avoid his gaze I took a drink I coffee and almost spit it out when Yukari burst through my door screaming something about Mizore and I sleeping in the same bed. "Well good morning to you too Yukari,"I said. She ran up to me and buried her face in my chest. "What's up with her?" I asked, clearly confused as to the reason I was in this situation. Moka walked calmly through my broken door and answered my question,"she was really worried about you when you ran off." Ok so is it now a party in my dorm or what!?!
At that very moment Mizore decided to sit up in my bed and look around. I walked over and offered her a drink of my coffee. She gladly accepted and Yukari gave her a death glare. I noticed and said,"what are you jealous cause I gave Mizore some coffee and not you. If you want you guys can have some there's some still left." I sat back down propped up against my bed frame next to Mizore and said,"so why are you guys all here, in my dorm, at eight in the morning? Not that I don't love to hear your voices while I could be sleeping." Mizore decides to speak up,"I get why Tsuki's here 'cause he's her brother but why are the rest of you here?" Yukari blurts out,"I could ask you the same question!" I stopped them before they could get out of hand and start a fight,"alright alright forget I asked but can I go back to sleep or are you guys staying?" They decided to stay so we all talked and sat around but every time Moka/Yukari/kurumu touched me or interacted with me physically Mizore would try to death glare the life out of them. We were sitting on my bed and I was still sitting next to Mizore but when I got up to get more coffee kurumu followed me and gave me yet another one of her famous "face between my breasts death hug" as I like to call it. I managed to get her off of me and I sat back down with my coffee. Mizore decided she didn't like me sitting next to her and she instead wanted me to sit in her lap. I was not to fond of the idea and tried to avoid it but she knew my one weakness,it was my coffee, she threatened to freeze my coffee unless I sat on her lap. I reluctantly let her put me on her lap looking down with a red face. "Ooh is someone getting a crush,"kurumu yelled poking at Mizore. Mizore tightened her grip on my waist. I looked to Tsukune for help but he was once again gazing at Moka with her gazing right back.

"Oh Moka"

"Oh Tsukune"

"Oh Moka"

"Oh Tsukune"

Yukari interrupted by yelling at them to stop. Mizore looked like she was gonna fall asleep and she placed her head on my shoulder. I turned to look at her and got a face full of  light purple hair. It smelled like lavender(idek that's just what I imagine her hair to smell like) I blushed and turned back to the group of people sitting in front of me. I told them I needed to shower and they were free to stay or leave. They all left except Mizore who was sleeping peacefully on my bed. When I got out of the shower I looked to my bed only to find it empty and very neatly made I walked over to it and there was a note on my pillow. I picked it up and it read: Dear (Y/N) I had to do something before this evening so if you could meet me at the cliff by the lake at 7:00 I would really appreciate it thank you. ~~with love Mizore

Well I should probably pick out what to wear and do things like that.

~~time skip~~

I decided on just regular jeans and a     t-shirt. It was about a thirty minute walk to "the cliff" (the one where Mizore almost fell in the water surrounding the island thing the schools on).

~~time skip~~

I got to my destination and there was an adorable picnic set up and Mizore was hiding in the trees so I walked over and asked if this is why she wanted me to come out here and she nodded her head yes.

Sorry I stopped writing here it took me longer then expected to write these last three chapters. I started at like 10 pm and now it's 3:47 am so I've been writing for a while and now I'm tired so I'm going to bed now. Goodnight/morning guys. Bye!

Mizore x female reader! A Rosario + Vampire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now