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Chapter 2: Willow

I slowly slipped on my light blue denim jeans, jumping up and down trying to get them on. "Damn! why can't I get these over my ass!"  I said as I finally slipped the skinny jeans over my butt and on my hips. I searched through my closet and found the perfect shirt to wear for school. It was all pink and had a little bow on the right hand side. it wasn't very nice actually it was kinda plain, but I liked it. lastly, I tugged on my gray and black Blank182 jacket and was out the door before you could say rabbits and Ginny pigs! I was hoping that I could just get the day over with, just make it by long enough to go to college and actually have a life, a life that I can choose.

As I got into my old truck I saw a difference with it. when I got close enough to see the problem, it turned out some of those bitches from my school came to my place and trashed my truck! "Fuck! My baby!" I said while trying to wash off the marks that said: Bitch, slut, and this creates Willow Winstead! and everyone will probably believe those words even though they don't know me enough to say such things.

After a little bit of back aches and rubbing really hard against they red paint, the words went away and I drove off to my day of school.

When I arrived, I drove through the parking lot and saw there were no cars, no bitches, just me and the couple of teachers that were out and about getting there work graded. At that exact moment it hit me, today is Saturday not Friday. "God! I forgot it was a Saturday! I just wasted my gas for what?!" I exclaimed "just to go to school and come straight back!" I started to throw a mini temper tantrum in my car that was most likely shaking around frantically as i had my temper tantrum. "No wonder my Mom wasn't awake!" I rested my head against the steering wheel as I wondered how I could have forgotten it was Saturday, I mean it was my favorite day of the week for peetsake!

I slowly drove out of the school grounds and decided to stop at Taylor's house for a little light to shine on my day, I really think Taylor will make me smile. She usually does so it shouldn't be that hard to make me smile.

Since her house is so far away now I have to take at least two hours out of my day to get to it. Sometimes I really wish I could just move back to Sacromento.

I slid out of the front seat of my car and slamed the door shut, i walked up to her appartment door and helmy breath as i knocked on it waiting to see Taylor's face with her sweet and cheerful smile that I loved so much peek through the door like it usually does when I come over. Instead there was no reply to the knock.

I looked at her driveway and saw that her car was still parked right beside mine she had to be inside her home I quickly tried to twist the door knob. It was open. I opened the door slowly as I start to hear strange sounds coming from the house, I walk in and as I took each step i could hear the sounds get louder I was starting to get worried was this the right appartment? I looked at the closed bedroom door with fear. I slowly opened the bedroom door with my eyes close and the sounds didn't stop they just got more intense and loud, I opened my eyes and what I saw made me scream so loud I'm sure the neighbors could hear it. I was right this was Taylor's appartment and this was Taylor my best friend who was having sex with my ex Davis the ex I still loved and wasn't over yet.

They stopped. Her eyes meeting mine, I saw her get up from the bed and try to get back on her clothes as fast as she could so she could talk to me before I ran out and left but she was too late I started to run faster than I ever had before to my car.

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