Part 3 - A Radiant Star

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Suddenly, the bright shining radiant star came to rest over an old stable, on the edge of a small village.

"Go on, we must not falter.  We must get to the stable.  My presence is needed and I must be within its protection, as witness to a great event."

Matthew was so surprised at these words, that he strode forwards without a second thought.  Their journey had been like a dream-sequence and he a sleep-walker, but how could that be?  He was acutely aware of the peace and stillness of the night, of the bright radiance shining down on them, and of the soft melodious wind sighing about them, like a song, he thought!  They reached the stable and stepped into the warmth of a soft glowing presence.

"Put me down and follow me." Peter commanded.  "I am here to witness the birth of a baby.  A child born to be a man on earth, a King of heaven above.  A child who will listen to the words of His elders, then confound them with His questions and responses.  A child who will grow to become a man like none before.  A man who will command men to follow Him, listen to His teachings, then spread out amongst all other tribes and nations, and tell of His teachings.  A man who will be called Messiah, who will be called upon to give up His life for a great glory, for all mankind, for which He will be loved and followed for eternity, until He returns one day to claim His own.  A child with a destiny, to whom I must bow down before.  This baby, born of Mary, His mother, and Joseph, her husband, here in the stable tonight."

Peter and Matthew knelt down before the baby child, watching in silence as Mary smiled in wonder at the Baby Jesus, laid in a manger, because there was no room in trhe inn.

All at once Three Mighty Kings entered the stable, bearing gifts of Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh, kneeling down in homage to the Baby Jesus in a manger.  Then the flock elders, with some of the sheep, gathered there too, kneeling down in mystified silence, in wonderment at the baby laid in a manger, because there was no room at the inn.

Baby Jesus smiled as the song of angels filled the air.  The gathered company bowed their heads in silent contemplation, and Peter meekly realised he had been allowed to take part in the most important moment in the history of the world.

Peter would impart his story as Matthew watched over him, keeping his safe.  Although he would never speak to Matthew again, as he had tonight, their shared remembrance of this night's events, would bind them forever in a bond of lasting friendship, as they grew to a state of wise maturity and wisdom.

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