water and well being

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Ash puffed his chest, serena and bonnie welcomed him into the water. Clemont followed shyly. Ash played with his froggedier and pikachu. When he rose from the water, his trunks stuck to his skin, showing off his dick. Water dripped from his body. Clemont blushed and his dick buldged massivly. "Big brother! Your area is at it again!" Bonnie announces. Clemont covers himself, hoping noone else saw. "Oh my" serena says. "What turned you on?" Asked ash. "Um.. nothing" clemont rushes away behind the bushes where a lucario was standing. "Lu? CAR!" It shouts. "Please lucario, its really embarrassing" clemont says. "Car?". Clemont looks in its eyes desperate, a pokeball falls from clemont's bottoms. Lucario touches the pokeball and gets sucked it. It doesnt come out. "I caught... lucario?" He asks. His boner grew bigger as ash came. "Hey, are you okay?" Ash asks. Ash arrived at the wrong moment, clemont was playing with himself. "Ash!" Clemont says, covering his dick. "Um... ill give you some privacy..." ash walks away blushing. Clemont does it harder, he starts to moan because of how good it felt. Ash sits down with his feet dipped in the water, he cant remove clemont from his mind. "Pi...ka?" Pikachu nudges him. He hlists pikachu into his arms and pets its head. "Pikachu, have you noticed anything about clemont lately?" He asks. Pikachu shakes his head, remembering his promise to clemont. Serena walks up to ash. "Hey, are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah, just thinking" he replies. They watch bonnie play with their pokèmon in the lake. Ash sighs. "Hey, im done" clemont approaches them with sperm all over him. He jumps in the water and washes himself off, sperm and water rolls off his nipples. "Lets head out, i hear there's a small town nearby that can take you to an island that has pokemon that people have never heard of" serena says cheerfully. Clemont dries himself off and puts his clothes on. "Thanks for cleaning these, Bonnie!" He shouts.
After a while, they're on the road. Ash and clemont pay no attention to each other. "Hey, look at those berries!" Ash points out. "I've never seen those before" bonnie looks up at the small purple and red berries. Pikachu climbs the twisted tree and drops down enough berries for everyone. Ash bites into it first, the flavour burned into his taste buds. "It tastes like chocolate cake!" He shouts, eating the rest of it. Everyone else follows, realising his description was accurate.  They carry on the path to the small village.
Once they got there they checked into the pokecenter. The nurse joy there had white hair and a weird pokemon. "Nurse joy?" Ash asks confused. "Oh! Travellers!" She says. Her pokemon jumps on the desk infront of them and yells "smaspore!". "What pokemon is that?" Bonnie asks. It was like a tiny fox, a bit like fenniken but pink and white. "This is smaspore, she is a fairy and romance type" nurse joy explains. "Romance?" Ash asks. "Yes, there are romance, galaxy, time and festive type pokemon here. We call this place the gates of heaven" nurse joy explains again. "Wow! How cool!" Ash shouts, thinking about catching a galaxy type pokemon. "It is said all the ledgendary pokemon gather and live on the island not far from here." She says. "Can we get rooms here for a couple of nights?" Clemont asks. "Certainly, though, theres only 2 rooms left with one bed" nurse joy announces. "So, the girls will be together and the boys" serena says. "Sure! Lets get settled then!" Ash cheers. They pay their pokecoins and head up to their rooms. Ash and clemont unpack in silence. They were still awkward from clemont in the bushes. "Hey ash, what would you do if you found out someone liked you?" Clemont asks. "Well, idk. Maybe date them" ash replies. Pikachu trills and points outside. A huge black dragon flies by. "GALAVOUR!" it roars, 3 smaller dragons fly near it. They squeak "galecton". "Cool, those must be galaxy typea" ash looks outside. Clemont lets his newly caught lucario out. "Hey, why did you climb into my pokeball?" He asks. "Huh?" Ash turns around and sees the lucario. "Hey, thats not a normal lucario!" Ash announces. "What?" Clemont asks. Ash points out that its silver where its ment to be blue. "Its a shiny!" Ash shouts exitedly. Clemont looks outside. They were on top of a cliff with a rolling blue sea under. Pokèmon flew into the golden sunset, sitting in the horizon. Their room had a small balcony where you could pet flying, dragon and galaxy types. It was romantic. "Hey clemont" ash says. Clemont snaps out of his daydream and looks ash in his eyes, they were golden. "Youve been kinda..  out... lately. Are you okay?" Ash asks. "Oh! Umm... its nothing that important. Just, dont mind me okay?" Clemont replies with an unfocused tone. "Pika?" Pikachu looks at ash, knowing he'll soon find out about clemont's crush. "Oh! Look at the time!  Its getting late." Clemont says. "I call shower first!" Ash runs into the bathroom. "Hey! No fair!" Clemont chases after him. "How about we shower together? I need someone to get my back anyway" ash asks. "Umm, sure" clemont replies, kinda shy. They get undressed and go into the shower together, splashing water in each other's eyes and laughing. "Ash, how did you get so muscly?" Clemont asks. "Well, walking alot. And working out with my pokèmon. They say the best way to train is joining in with the activities you give them" ash explains. Clemont slips on a bar of soap and hits his head. Ash worriedly helps him up. Clemont is hoisted into ash's arms. Their bodies touch. He can feel ash's warmth and wetness. "I think i better go to bed before i have any more accidents" clemont suggests. He leave the shower and puts his pjs on. "Hey clemont, im kinda worried. My next gym battle will be soon and i dont think me or my pokèmon are ready. Ive done all the training i can but we just arent improving quickly. What do i do?" Ash asks. "Well, you allways tell us to never give up. If you work hard enough, youll succeed. As you said. I can hug you to sleep tonight, its supposedly therapeutic" clemont says. They lay in bed and cuddle up to each other. Clemont was happy, finally in ash's arms and close to his chest. "Your like a squishy teddy bear" ash says. Clemont smiles and goes to sleep. Ash moves his hand towards clemont's dick and squeezes. He doesnt know what he's doing. Clemont blushes deeply, his dick never felt so good. "Umm.... ash.." he says. "Yeah?" Ash wakes up. "Your kinda.... squeesing my balls" clemont says hesitantly. He didnt want ash's hand to move but he also wasnt ready to tell ash he liked him. "Oh, sorry" ash moves his hand and goes back to sleep. Clemont looks up at the black ceilling, he wanted the night to last forever but it cant. A face appears above his and giggles, its like a mask but with ripped eyes and mouth. It scares clemont slightly, he holds ash tighter. "Spopask!" It shouts, its body floats out of the concrete, its the shape of a dress but ripped. Clemont yells scared and hugs ash tighter, who is scared awake. "Oh cool! A pokemon!" Ash says. The spopask smiles and dances around the room. "We need to update our pokèdexs so we can see what these pokemon are called" clemont shakes, still startled. "Please say your name" ash asks. "Spoo- pask" the spopask sounds it out for them. "Oh, spopask. Thats an awesome name!" Ash gets over exited. Both are still laying down and clemont can hear ash's heart pounding fast. "How would you like to be my pokemon?" Ash asks. "SPO! ASKSPOOP!" it nods and jumps around exitedly. Ash pulls a pokèball out of his bag and holds it towards the spopask. The spopask touched the pokèball and is sucked in. It stays in there. "ALL RIGHT! I CAUGHT SPOPASK!" ash jumps up excitedly. "Ash please settle down!" Clemont shouts, after being stepped on. "Oh! Sorry clemont" ash lays down next to clemont. Clemont figured it was a good time to tell him. "Ash..." he started. Ash humed in question. "I have a... crush on you" clemont's cheeks go bright red, he wanted ash badly but didnt want to force him. "Well, i guess you are kinda cute" ash says, holding clemont close. Clemont had never felt happier, his bestfriend was turning into boyfriend. "So, can we date?" Clemont holds him back. "Of course" ash falls asleep. Soon later, so does clemont

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