broken pieces

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Absinthe started screaming loudly in the night. Ash woke up, he looked at the pokèmon worriedly. He pushed Clemont off his chest and hugged Absinthe tightly. She woke up. "Ash..." she started to cry, her tears were small diamonds. "Whats wrong?" He sits down with her in his arms. "It hurts..." she cries. "What hurts?" He asks. "Someone is removing shadows. It hurts. Please help, ash" absinthe cries. Clemont wakes up. "Someone is stealing shadows?" Clemont rubs his eyes, his night hat falls off. Absinthe's wings of shadows start to dissapear. "Lets find that machine and destroy it" ash says, waking pikachu up. "Pika?" Pikachu rubs its eyes. Ash passes absinthe to clemont and picks up his pikachu. "Clemont, split up. We need to find that machine" ash says. The part ways, checking everywhere. "Ash..." absinthe calls out to ash from clemont's arms. "Dont worry, absinthe. I will find that machine" ash runs faster. He turns a corner. CRASH

He ran right into james. James turned around. "Looks like the twerp is lost" he grins evilly. "Meowth! Hurry up!" Jessie screams at the tiny cat who is fitting some hair samples into a machine. "So its you who's doing this!" Ash growls, he glares at the grinning trio angrily. "Doing what? I beg and plead" "stealing these shadows is not a big need"

Ash watches them as they do their intro

"To protect the world from devistation"
"To unite all people within our nation"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love"

"Oh do shut up!" Absinthe's voiceechos around the room. She runs in, clemont following.... far behind. "How rude!" Jessie strts screaming at absinthe. "Stop being a spoiled brat!" Absinthe bites off jessie's hair. Jessie screams. Clemont and ash stare, they dont have any reactions as to what just happened. "Pikachu! Go!" Ash shouts. Pikachu jumps off ash's shoulder and stands firm, ready to fight. "You cant hurt us now!" Jessie shouts. "Go shadows! Crush them!" James pushes out his arms. Shadows flow out. "Stop using people's shadows to do your dirty work!" Absinthe grows another 2 tails and touches the shadows. Her wings gradually come back as they dissapear. "Pikachu! Use thunderbolt on the machine!" "Pika! Chuuuuuu!". The machine explodes. "I got all of my shadows back!" Absinthe glows. "Off to the shadow realm for you!" She shoots a plasma cannon at team rocket and they dissapear.

The world shatters slowly around ash and clemont. Even they do too, its soon darkness...
Nothing is seen or heard....


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