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Grisha laughed loudly at his children before turning and walking out of the room. "You kids better keep your damn mouths shut." he yelled as he plopped back down on the couch.

Jean growled and punched a pillow in anger. "I hate this place!" and whisper yelled not wanting to get in trouble again.

Mikasa let out a hum in agreement and pulled eren into her lap and held him close, stroking his hair gently and whispering calming things into his ear. "Im sure you've noticed too" she said looking up at jean.

His eyes darkened and he nodded. "I say we hurry and get out of this shit hole, I have some older friends who live maybe 30 minutes away we could stay there."

Mikasa shrugged. She didn't really care where they stayed as long as Eren and Jean where safe. Mostly Eren.... But jean too. "Then we should leave tonight only pack things you truly need alright?" she stood up slowly and set Eren on her bed.

Mikasa and Jean quietly emptied out their school backpacks. While doing so they began discussing how they would get money and how they'd get to the friends house. While they were talking a gunshot rang throughout the house.

Sorry this is short everyone. I'll be updating again soon. Please give me feed back and things that i can inprove on. Even if it's bad it still helps. Thank you!

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